



美式发音: [ˈætrɪˌbjuːt] 英式发音: [ˈætrɪˌbjut]




过去式:attributed  现在分词:attributing  第三人称单数:attributes  搭配同义词

v.+n.attribute blame





v.1.to think of something as caused by a particular circumstance2.to give credit for something such as a work of art or a saying to a particular person, often wrongly3.to regard somebody or something as having particular quapties

n.1.a quapty, property, or characteristic of somebody or something2.a symbol of someone or something

1.归于 attitudes||态度 attributed||归于 audience||听众 ...

2.把...归因于 ... attitudes n. 姿势, 态度, 看法, 意见 attributed vt. 把...归因于 code n. 代码, 代号, 密码, 编码 v.编码 ...

3.属性 ) ensured 打包,保证 ) attributed 归结与 ) authorized 批准 ...

5.属性化 D. enriching 使富足,使肥沃 B. attributed 归于,属于 D. contributed 有助于,贡献 ...

7.归咎於 ... confident 自信 a attributed 归咎於... congestion 拥塞 ...


1.It's difficult to prove just how much loss or gain was attributed to the hacker.这是很难证明有多大损失或收益的主要原因是由于黑客。

2.Richter said the high number of cases of cancer and hyperthyroidism in pets can be attributed to better diagnosing of the illnesses.里克特说,由于疾病更好地被诊断使得能在宠物发现大量的癌症和甲状腺机能亢进症。

3.Cooper attributed her longevity to good food and not being nosy: "I mind my own business and I don't eat junk food, " she said.Cooper把她的长寿归于长期的良好饮食和宁静的环境:“我不多管闲事也不吃垃圾食品”,她说。

4.When code disables interrupts, the ticks will not be attributed to the code until the point where the interrupts are re-enabled.当代码禁用中断时,节拍将不能归结到代码,直到中断被重新启用。

5.Class with the name of the file containing the key pair to generate a strong name for the assembly being attributed.类的新实例,该文件包含为正在属性化的程序集生成强名称的密钥对。

6.But one of the most common symptoms is depression. It's often attributed to the mental toll of managing the disease which has no cure.其中一个最为常见的症状便是抑郁。通常认为这是由于这一无法治愈的疾病使病人心力憔悴所致。

7.She said a large share of the dropoff can be attributed to financial services firms, which historically have had large internship programs.她表示,造成这一数字减少的一个重要因素是金融服务公司,金融业传统上会提供大量实习机会。

8.The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying pcensing fees to copyright owners.它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。

9.There was no way to confirm the voice was actually that of bin Laden, but it resembled previous recordings attributed to him.目前没有办法验证这段录音中的声音是否为拉登本人,但与之前的拉登录音十分相似。

10.I was pretty sure of it. I certainly didn't feel sick at all. I felt a bit fatigued, but I attributed that to sleeping for a long time.我一点生病的感觉也没有,只是感到有点疲劳,但我认为那是因为睡得太久的缘故。