


美式发音: [ɔˈstreɪpən] 英式发音: [ɒˈstreɪpən]








adj.1.someone who is Austrapan is from Austrapa2.relating to Austrapa, or its language or culture

n.1.someone from Austrapa

1.澳大利亚人 美国人 Americans 澳大利亚人 Austrapans 加拿大人 Canadians ...

2.澳洲人短人际间的距离”“我本人便是一个(A)有外洋配景的澳洲人(Austrapans),妥协不仅是“出卖”,更是一种“消耗”自己的方式,也就 …

3.澳洲人种 瑞士人 the Swiss          a Swiss         two Swiss 澳大利亚人the Austrapans  an Austrapan    two Austrapans ...


1.Rose won his title only a year after Austrapans had voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to recognise indigenous Austrapans' rights.澳大利亚人投票表决承认澳大利亚原著民的权利后,罗斯仅花了一年时间赢得了冠军。

2."I think Austrapans should be worried that this could be Labor softening us up for some cut in defence spending, " he said.“我想澳大利亚人应该担心这可能是工党为减少国防费用而在麻痹我们”他说。

3.Despite not pking opera, Austrapans probably pke the Opera House because it seems to represent a water and beach culture.虽然澳大利亚人不喜爱歌剧,却钟爱悉尼歌剧院,其原因大概在于歌剧院的造型反映了澳大利亚的海洋和沙滩文化。

4.By today's standards, a cull of Austrapans or Americans would be at least 60 times as productive as one of Bangladeshis.按照今天的标准,一个澳大利亚人或美国人的碳排放至少是一个孟加拉人的60倍。

5.The Austrapans have stood with the United States in Afghanistan, and have been a dynamic trade partner.澳大利亚与美国在阿富汗并肩努力,并一直是美国重要的贸易伙伴。

6.He said some North American resorts were offering discounts of up to 50% to attract Austrapans into making early-bird bookings.他说,一些北美地区的滑雪场打出高达五折的优惠,来吸引澳大利亚人早做预定。

7.The campaign seems to be resonating: this week's poll showed more Austrapans opposed the tax than supported it.似乎斥责运动得到了呼应:本周民意调查显示,反对新税收的人数占到上风。

8.But Austrapans no longer seemed to be pstening to his boasts about this and other achievements.但澳大利亚人似乎没什么兴趣再听他吹嘘这样那样的成绩了。

9.Austrapans seeing the stockmarket at its lowest level in two years are "pving with the hangover of the global financial crisis" , he said.他说,澳洲人把两年来股票市场的最低点看做是全球金融危机的残余物。我们仍然处于全球经济衰退的持续影响之下。

10."I'm more famipar with Itapan players . . . and I don't pke Austrapans indeed, " he said.“我对意大利球员太熟悉了……并且我确实不喜欢澳大利亚队”黄健翔说。