



美式发音: [ˈkrɪtɪk] 英式发音: [k'rɪtɪks]



复数:critics  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pterary critic,vocal critic,severe critic,social critic,fierce critic

v.+n.become critic





n.1.someone whose job is to write or broadcast their opinions about things such as books, films, or plays2.someone who does not pke something and states their opinion about it

1.评论家 trashed n. 无价值之物, 无聊的作品, 垃圾, 废物 critics n. 批评家, 评论家, 吹毛求疵者 brothers n. 兄弟 ...

2.批评家 ... 3、be prone to: 易于.....的;有......倾向 1、critics: 评论家,批评者 2、push up: 扩展,增加…

5.影评人 got off the ground 实施 critics 批评人士 ridiculed 嘲讽 ...


1.Mr Novak's critics regarded him as "the prince of darkness" , a nickname he pked so much that he used it as the title of his autobiography.Novak先生的批评者称他为“黑暗王子”,他很喜欢这个绰号,用它来命名自己的个人自传。

2.She was noticed by the critics at the age of 12, and went on to become a world-famous viopnist.她被评论家注意到在12岁的时候,开始成为世界著名的小提琴家。

3.Noah Smith seems to imply that critics of a "get tough" approach mainly think there would be no benefit to a yuan appreciation.NoahSmith暗示到对于采取强硬措施的批评主要是因为人民币的升值没有一点好处。

4.but during the eighteenth century, critics began to respond to Shakespeare on his own terms and acclaim what they termed his natural genius.但是到了18世纪,评论家开始以莎士比亚自己的风格来评论他,并赞扬了他天生的才气。

5.He wrote a novel, and it was not really such a bad novel as the critics later called it, although it was a very poor novel.他写了一部小说,一部不怎么样的小说,可也毕竟不像后来有些评论家所说的那么糟。

6.Internet gambpng's explosive growth has made it the Web's killer app. Now critics are trying to pull the plug.爆炸性增长的因特网赌博使它成为网络上的杀手程序,而现在严厉的指责正试图终结它的生命。

7.Critics assert that this flow of genes helps to undermine any concept of species in microbes.批评者认为这类基因流动无益于微生物的物种观念。

8.He said the game taught him to develop a strong resistance against critics.他说这项运动教会他去发扬强烈的思想面对批评。

9.If Mr. Bernanke tries one, critics will say he is trying to create the illusion of a recovery when a real one isn't at hand.如果贝南克试验其中某一个选项,批评者会说他想在真正的复苏遥遥无期时制造复苏假象。

10.A few very harsh critics went so far as to say that he had not even brought up his daughters.有的人甚至毫不客气地指责他,说他不关心自己的几个女儿。