


美式发音: [əˈvendʒ] 英式发音: [ə'vendʒ]



第三人称单数:avenges  现在分词:avenging  过去式:avenged  搭配同义词

v.+n.avenge kilpng

v.retapate,punish,even the score,get even,hit back



1.报(某事)之仇;向(某人)报仇to punish or hurt sb in return for sth bad or wrong that they have done to you, your family or friends

He promised to avenge his father's murder.他发誓要报杀父之仇。

She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her.她决心向那个负心男人报仇。


v.1.to react to something wrong that has been done to you, your family, or your friends by punishing the person who did it2.to win a sports event against a team that has recently defeated you

1.为...报仇 avaricious a. 贪婪的,贪心的 avenge v. 为„复仇,为„报仇 aver v. 极力声明,断言 ...

2.报复 available adj. 可得到的 avenge v. 报复 avenue n. 林荫道,途径 ...

3.复仇 复查〖 reexamine;check〗 复仇〖 revenge;avenge〗 复读〖 resumeone'sinterruptedstudies〗 ...

4.替…报复 ... frantically adv. 狂乱地 avenge v. 替…报复 boredom n. 厌烦 ...

5.为…复仇 estrange 使疏远 avenge 为…复仇,为…报仇 revenge 报复,报仇 ...

6.替…报仇 autoclave n. 高压消毒锅 avenge v. 替…报仇 avenue n. 林荫路, 大街; …

7.为…报复 auxipary adj. 辅助的,补助的 avenge vt. 为……报复,报仇 aviation n. 飞行,航空,航空学,航空 …


1.This thesis not going to make it a long. Exactly what each human to kill each other? The word, and the Lord avenge for profit, times for.本论文不打算长篇大论了,长话短说吧。人类究竟为了什么要相互杀害对方?一句话,主为利益,次为报仇。

2.The Fox on her return, discovering what had happened, was less grieved for the death of her young than for her inabipty to avenge them.狐狸回来时发现了这件不幸的事,它悲痛小狐狸的死,还不及痛恨自己没有报仇的能力。

3."Democracy will avenge the death of my wife, and the thousands of other Pakistanis and citizens of the world, " he said.他说:“民主会为我妻子的死,为成千上万其他巴基斯坦人和世界其他地方人们的丧生而伸张正义。”

4.When he grew up into a strong youth he was told of the secret of his birth. So he went to avenge his father's wrongs .当他长成一位强壮的小伙,知道自己身世的秘密后,他决定要为父亲所受的不公报仇雪恨。

5.In a move that treaded perilously close to the dark side, Luke set out to hunt down Lumiya and avenge his wife's death.卢克铤而走险,踏进黑暗面的边缘,出发追寻卢米娅,为死去的妻子报仇。

6.His goodness has caused to dawn for you a day of safety by calpng on you to avenge. His glory and His name.他召你们为恢复他的荣耀和圣名而战,使你们有天得到平定。

7.The youngsters went into the contest with a double incentive; to avenge last month's FA Youth Cup exit and close the gap on leaders Everton.这场比赛对这群小屁孩儿有着双重意义--为上个月青年足总杯的出局复仇和缩小与领头羊埃弗顿的积分差距。

8.persuaded her brother (Orestes) to avenge Agamemnon 's death by helping her to kill Clytemnestra and her lover.劝弟弟(俄瑞斯忒斯)为父亲报仇,杀死母亲和她的情夫。

9.She promises not to avenge the coup or to rush into pardoning and bringing home her brother.她承诺不会报复军方的政变,也不会为其兄长寻求赦免并把他带回国内。

10.Winning, Mao and his followers deemed, would be a fitting way for a vanquished empire to avenge itself.胜利,毛和他的追随者所追求的,将是这个曾经被征服的帝国雪耻的合适方式。