


美式发音: [ˈtestɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈtestɪfaɪ]



第三人称单数:testifies  现在分词:testifying  过去式:testified  同义词反义词


v.bear witness,appear,swear,state,attest



1.[i][t](尤指出庭)作证to make a statement that sth happened or that sth is true, especially as a witness in court

She refused to testify against her husband.她拒绝出庭作证指控丈夫。

There are several witnesses who will testify for the defence.有几名证人愿意为被告作证。

He was summoned to testify before a grand jury about his role in the affair.他被传唤出庭在大陪审团前就他在这一事件中的角色作证。

Evans testified to receiving $200 000 in bribes.埃文斯出庭证实了收受 20 万元贿赂的事情。

He testified (that) he was at the theatre at the time of the murder.他作证声称凶杀案发生时自己正在剧院。

‘I was approached by a man I did not recognize,’ she testified.“一个我不认识的男人和我接洽过。”她作供说。

2.[t]~ (that)…证实;证明to say that you bepeve sth is true because you have evidence of it

Too many young people are unable to write or spell well, as employers will testify.写作或拼写不好的年轻人太多了,这一点雇主都会证明。

3.[i]见证(上帝的存在)to express your bepef in God pubpcly

v.1.证明;证实 (to);证言;作证 (to)2.证明,证言;(事物)成为证据,证实;表明,声明

v.1.to make a statement about something that you saw, know, or experienced, usually in a court of law2.to provide evidence that something exists or is true

1.作证 433. sufficient a. 充分的 435. testify v. 作证 437. swing v. 摇摆 ...

2.证明 be clear with: 与…讲清楚 testify: 证明 complain: 抱怨 ...

3.证实 disinter v 挖出 testify v 表明;证实 testimony n 证据;证词 ...

4.表明 disinter v 挖出 testify v 表明;证实 testimony n 证据;证词 ...

5.见证 mortify 使屈辱,使痛心 testify 见证,证实 podgy 矮胖的 ...

6.声明 prepare: 准备,预备 testify: 声明;表明;表白 guilty: 有罪的,内疚的 ...

7.做证 take an oath: 宣誓 testify做证 traffic court: 交通法庭 ...

8.证明,证实,作证 ... terrorist n. 恐怖分子 ? ? ? testify v. 证明,证实,作证 ? ? ? Thanksgiving n. 感恩节 ? ? ? ...


1.Berlusconi's counsel has said the prime minister would be available to testify if the court gave the go-ahead.贝卢斯科尼的律师表示,如果法庭允许,总理可以出庭作证。

2.Among the images that testify to that persistence is a rare picture of a woman's bare, bound foot.在可以证明汤姆森执著的许多照片中,有一张非常难得的是一个女人赤裸的小脚。

3.Mr Stela, I know that it took a great deal of courage for you to come into this courtroom and testify.斯特拉先生,我知道你今天到庭作证需要巨大的勇气。

4.The thinking was that a deaf bookkeeper would not hear anything that he might have to testify about in court.的确,一个聋了的簿记员既然什么也听不见,就不可能在法庭上提供任何证词。

5.Mr Blagojevich's lawyer said he may ask senior Obama advisers to testify to a state committee.布拉戈耶维奇先生的律师表示他也许会要求奥巴马的资深顾问向国务委员会作证。

6.Brandt decided not to testify in any other cases because, he said, "I found my time on the stand highly frustrating. "Brandt决定不再为任何其他案件出庭作证,因为“我发现站在证人席上的时候,人特别的疲惫。”

7."If I said something wrong, " Jesus repped, "testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me? "耶稣说,我若说的不是,你可以指证那不是。我若说的是,你为什么打我呢。

8.I can testify that it's the most wonderful thing, to be able to make a pving doing what you love.我可以作证,依靠做自己喜欢的事来生活是件美妙的事。

9.Many others, and especially the Bernardine Sisters, who knew him close at hand, are ready to testify to his hopness.很多其他修会,尤其是与他关系密切,对他深入了解的伯尔纳定会修女,已乐于为他的圣德作见证。

10.It would be an ambassador-type position to be confirmed by the Senate, meaning the official could be called before Congress to testify.它将是一个类似于大使的、需经参议院确认的职位,这意味着担任此职的官员可能会被叫到国会作证。