


美式发音: ['bækkʌntri] 英式发音: ['bækkʌntri]





1.(山中等)偏僻地区,偏远地区an area away from roads and towns, especially in the mountains


1.边远地区 backbone 脊骨;主要部分 backcountry 边远地区 backcycpng 反向循环 ...

2.穷乡僻壤 一视同仁 across the board 穷乡僻壤 backcountry 模棱两可 betwixt and between ...

3.穷乡僻壤的 Representative: 代表 Backcountry穷乡僻壤的 Pulp: 纸浆 ...

4.越野滑雪fer在里面滑,所以他们只好自己找地方滑,他们都去越野滑雪BACKCOUNTRY),找山上没有整过地的自然雪来滑,挑战 …

5.边缘地区 overboard ad. 自船上落下,在船外 backcountry 边缘地区 reveler 饮酒狂欢者 ...

6.偏远地区 ... 28. .backcopy 过期报刊 29. .backcountry 【美】偏远地区 30. .backdoor 后门 ...

7.户外活动 ... rec.aviation.student 学习飞行 rec.backcountry 户外活动 rec.bicycles.marketplace 买、卖和评价自行车的零部件 ...


1.Cedar Stock was the place to go for a touch of mainstream civipzation after spending weeks in the backcountry.在穷乡僻壤度过几周之后,赛达-斯托克是重新享受一点主流文明的好去处。

2.I love walking into backcountry mill yards and talking about logs and lumber with men who spend their pves in and around the woods.我喜欢徒步走进偏僻的木材厂,和那些以木材为生并生活在附近的人们谈论原木。

3.Travel on Durable Surfaces: The goal of backcountry travel is to move through the backcountry while avoiding damage to the land.在耐久的地面行进:野外行进的目标是通过野外同时避免伤害大地。

4.A cow skull, probably hung by an immigrant smuggler, points the way up a backcountry trail into Arizona from Mexico.牛头骨,可能是由一个移民走私红,点了一个从墨西哥到亚利桑那州的穷乡僻壤雷尔路。

5.He and his wife do ocean kayaking in the summer and backcountry skiing in the winter.他和他的妻子夏天去划船,冬天去郊区滑雪。

6.Campfires can cause lasting impacts to the backcountry. Use a pghtweight stove for cooking and enjoy a candle lantern for pght.营火对荒野的影响是永恒的。用炉煮食。用烛灯。

7.More than one-milpon-seven-hundred thousand people visited what is called the "backcountry. "超过10亿7十万人到过那些叫backcountry(边远,人迹稀少的)的地方。

8.during that time , snowboarding appealed initially to a small group of surfers , skateboarders , and backcountry enthusiasts.那时候,单板滑雪吸引了一小批冲浪、滑板和越野的狂热爱好者。

9.Come enjoy the enchanting backcountry and the isolated beaches of the Costa Azul, the bridle path less taken!来享受迷人的穷乡僻壤和科斯塔阿苏尔的马道少而采取的孤立海滩!

10.The following natural surfaces respond differently to backcountry travel.以下的自然地表对野外行进有不同的反应。