




1.跑 creas,cre grow 增加 ,cour currency 流通 ...

2.寇儿 ... H2O 体贴空间 COUR 寇儿 Q-go 未来家用轿车 ...

3.宫廷 ... 朝: dynastie 宫廷: cour 耶稣会: compagnie de Jésus ...

4.班级课程表 user_PWD 用户密码, class_Cour 班级课程表: prize_Stud 学生奖惩表: ...

5.信袋占座 CHD: 儿童 COUR信袋占座 DEAF: 聋人 ...

6.交易行情表 ... 外汇行情 exchange quotation 交易行情表 cour 汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money ...


1.Brand India and the surface of the card was pke a pattern, initially known as the COAT CAROS, and later known as the COUR.品牌印度和卡表面就像一个模式,最初被称为外套松生,后来担任审计法院众所周知的。

2.Located on a historic hutong (meaning narrow alley), Hotel Cote Cour is "the cutest hotel in the city, " according to Behring.位于一个历史悠久的胡同(即窄胡同),酒店科特考尔是“最可爱的城市酒店,”来自于贝林。

3.France's highest court, the Cour de Cassation, overturned the judgment in 2006, saying Mr Tapie should get nothing.法国最高法院(CourdeCassation)在2006年推翻了此判决,其认为塔皮埃是自作自受,不应得到任何赔偿。

4.Before the Necker tower cloth th has constructed front door's cour ward.内克塔内布一世建造了大门前的院。

5.The key to solve the current problem of witness is that the witness right and obpgation system in criminal cour.这一问题的关键在于我国刑事诉讼证人权利义务体系的完善。

6.Clay cour. ts slow t. he ball down and make it bounce higher.红土球场具有减缓球速、使球弹得更高的特性。

7.First of all, a warm welcome to cour company.首先,诚挚地欢迎你加入我们公司。

8.On the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Cour and State Sovereignty论国际刑事法院管辖权与国家主权