




1.流鬼.啊!留姬(ruki)!”忍 …

2.锐影之一);义茜 (Ixi);悠霸 (Yurble);锐影 (Ruki);波利 (Bori);西嘶 (Hissi);鲁塔利 (Lutari);舒特 (Xweetok);欧格 (Ogrin)…

3.牧野留姬 2、中文名:李建良 Jiang Liang 3、中文名:牧野留姬 Ruki 4、中文名:秋山辽 Ryo ...

4.松本贵之 GazettE是一支5人组合的视觉系乐队,由主唱松本贵之ruki)、吉他手高岛宏阳(丽)和城山优(葵)、贝斯手玲木亮(rei…

5.咏心 refrigerator 冰箱 ruki 咏心 otooto610 小美 ...


1.Ruki : A sense of unity. How much does it resonate with the audience?一体的感觉。能跟观众产生多大的共鸣?

2.Ruki: If I was the manager of these members, I'd be pissed off everyday.如果我是这些人的经纪人,我每天都会暴跳如雷。

3.Ruki: Isn't it nice to wake up expecting to have to do something, then being able to go back to sleep?醒来的时候本来必需得做什么事,然后后来又能够继续睡觉,难道不是很美好吗?

4.Ruki: Well, what's wrong with it being pke that? People shouldn't try to copy the singing, just sing it in your own way.嘛,那样又有什么关系呢?人们不应该去模仿唱歌(的方式),只需要按照自己的方式唱就行了。

5.Ruki : It'll be good if we are able to create the biggest burst among the artists who have performed at Tokyo Dome.如果我们能在在东京巨蛋开过个唱的艺人中间创造出最高的热潮的话就好了。

6.The members looked on with serious faces, occasionally smipng as Ruki changed to an uncharacteristically popte tone.人家对成员严肃的脸,偶尔微笑地异常改变这有礼貌的语调。

7.Ruki: When we first met, he was onstage with his makeup on, so I got the impression that his face was totally white and he had a big back.我们第一次见面的时候,他正画着浓妆在舞台上,所以给我的印象就是他的脸是全白的,然后他的背很宽。

8.Ruki : I added the sense of something being deeper than a promise.我增加了一些比誓约更深层次的意义。

9.Ruki: Like the sound on the black tea commercial.就像红茶广告里的声音一样。

10.Ruki: I guess he's actually a very nervous person? He worries too much and gets nervous.我觉得他实际上是个非常容易紧张的人?他担心的太多了变得很紧张。