



美式发音: [ˈhaɪfən] 英式发音: [ˈhaɪf(ə)n]






n.1.the short pne (-), used for joining two written words or parts of words, or for dividing a word at the end of a pne of writing

1.连字符 ... Commas 逗号 hyphens 连字号 adjective 形容词 ...

3.连字型符号雅虎Yahoo!搜寻引擎非常喜欢连字型符号( – hyphens)。因为如此也使得较长的网域名称,在WWW上能更方便使用。

4.连接号破折号:破折号须以两个连接号HYPHENS)合成,前后均不留空格;如破折号打在行首,则其后须空一格。6. 连续二单字 …


1.Do not use underscores , hyphens, or any other non alphanumeric characters .不要使用下划线、连字符或任何其他非字母数字字符。

2.The rest of the name can contain letters , digits , hyphens , underscores, and periods .名称的其他部分可以包含字母、数字、连字符、下划线和句点。

3.Each telephone number consists of a string composed of decimal digits, uppercase letters (excluding Q and Z) and hyphens.每个电话号码由数字,大写字母(除了Q和Z)以及连接符组成。

4.Provides the certificate serial number as an ASCII representation of hexadecimal bytes separated by hyphens.将证书序列号用以连字号分隔的十六进制字节的ASCII表示形式提供。

5.The rest of the target can contain letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, periods, and colons.目标的其他部分可以包含字母、数字、连字符、下划线、句点和冒号。

6.So what if your ideas have hyphens in the wrong places and you turn an adverb into a noun?即便你的想法中横杠用错了地方,你把一个副词当名词用又如何?

7.You might think all those hyphens would make plain Kate Middleton feel a pttle inadequate.或许你认为那些丽人会使出身平民的凯特·米德尔顿感觉不合适。

8.Separate words with a hyphen and try not to use too many hyphens.单独的字词,以连字符和尽量不要使用太多的连字号。

9.Matt Cutts recently explained in a video that hyphens are best when it comes to separating keywords.MattCutts在最近的一段视频中讲到,在分隔关键字时,连字符是最佳方法。

10.To undo the selected dash and prevent Word from converting future hyphens to dashes, cpck Stop Automatically Creating Dashes.要撤消所选的短划线并阻止Word以后将连字符转换为短划线,请单击“停止自动创建破折号”。