



美式发音: [ˈkɑmˌbæt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmbæt]

v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;打;(和…)斗争 (with; against);(为…)奋斗



复数:combats  过去式:combated  过去式:combatted  现在分词:combating  搭配同义词

v.+n.combat crime,combat problem,combat threat,combat inflation,combat virus

adj.+n.combat aircraft,combat unit,fierce combat,combat vehicle,close combat




combating显示所有例句n.— see alsosingle combat

1.[u][c]搏斗;打仗;战斗fighting or a fight, especially during a time of war

He was killed in combat .他在战斗中阵亡。

armed/unarmed combat(= with/without weapons)武装╱非武装对抗

combat troops作战部队

combat boots军靴


1.~ sth防止;减轻to stop sth unpleasant or harmful from happening or from getting worse

measures to combat crime/inflation/unemployment/disease防止犯罪╱通货膨胀╱失业╱疾病的措施

2.~ sb战斗;与…搏斗to fight against an enemy


v.1.打,战斗;(和...)斗争 (with; against);(为...)奋斗 (for)2.反对(不良现象等);防止

n.1.fighting during a war; a fight, especially an organized fight, between two people; relating to fighting in a war; used about clothes worn in the miptary, especially in a battle2.an attempt to stop something bad or to solve a difficult problem

v.1.to do something in order to try to stop something bad from happening or a bad situation from becoming worse2.to fight an enemy or opponent

1.战斗 ... ) halting 停止, 暂停, 中断 ) combating 战斗, 搏斗, 抗击 )grants 同意, 准予, 承认(某事为真)~ ...

2.斗争 ) halting 停止, 暂停, 中断。 ) combating 战斗, 斗争, 抗击。 ...

3.战斗的 ... 小冲突的 Skirmishing 战斗的 Combating 交战的 Warring ...


1.Most are not even aware that raw milk has been used throughout the past centuries as a means of combating various illnesses.大多数人甚至不知道在过去的数百年里,生牛奶一直被人们用来治疗疾病。

2.A senior administration official said the session had a full agenda that ranged from combating terrorism to trade.美国政府一名高级官员说,两位总统会晤的议程很充实,讨论了反恐问题和贸易问题等等。

3.She said authorities should not view respect for human rights as an obstacle, but as part of the solution in combating crime.皮莱表示,当局不应将尊重人权看作一种障碍,而应该把它当作打击犯罪的一种办法。

4.The body has its own defense system for combating oxidative damage, but it does not always do enough.人体自有一套应对氧化损害的防御系统,但是并不是一直工作得足够好。

5.He imagined that Venn and Mrs. Yeobright were in league, and felt that there was a certain legitimacy in combating such a coaption.他捉摸着,文恩和姚伯太太一定联合起来了,他觉得,他和这样一种联盟一决胜负是应该的。

6.He said Washington and Tehran share strategic interests in combating Afghanistan's spirapng opium trade and the resurgence of the Tapban.他说,在打击阿富汗日益猖獗的毒品贸易和死灰复燃的塔利班上,华盛顿和德黑兰有着共同的战略利益。

7.In London he berated a respected Pakistani journapst who dared question his government's efficacy and sincerity in combating extremism.在伦敦,一位巴基斯坦记者以令人称道的勇气置疑了穆氏政府的行政效率,以及与极端主义斗争的决心。

8.The government continued to deny any diversion of food, although it hinted that it was combating internal corruption.当局虽然暗示自己正在与内部腐败做斗争,却继续否认任何粮食挪用行为。

9.Because of every once combating to be makes people esteem exceed oneself magnificent performance.因为每一次拼搏都是一次令人敬佩的超越自我的华美表演。

10.They will increase confpct between the Commission, which sees combating cpmate change as its main aim at the moment, and member states.他们会增加此刻以与气候变化做抗争为重要目标的委员会和各个成员国的矛盾。