


网络释义:化学气相沉积(chemical vapor deposition);心血管疾病;化学气相沉积法


1.化学气相沉积(chemical vapor deposition)化学气相沉积分类化学气相沉积(CVD)依照工作压力及能源形式 区分为: 1.常压化学气相沉积法(APCVD) 2.低压化学气相沉积法(…

2.心血管疾病心血管疾病(CVD)是一大类影响心脏和血管的疾病总称,包括冠心病(CHD),脑血管疾病,高血压和周围血管病(PVD)。CVD的 …

3.化学气相沉积法化学气相沉积法CVD)利用挥发性金属化合物的蒸气通过化学反应生成所需化合物,该法制备的纳米TiO2粒度细,化学活性 …

4.化学气相淀积化学气相淀积技术:包括化学气相淀积CVD)、低压化学气相淀积(LPCVD)、等离子体增强化学气相淀积(PECVD)、金 …


6.脑血管病(Cerebral Vascular Disease)脑血管病CVD),又称脑卒中或中风,是一组起病急、血管源性、引起持续的神经功能缺损的临床综合征 中风严重危害着人 …


1.CONCLUSIONS: Infrequent egg consumption does not seem to influence the risk of CVD in male physicians.结论:不经常蛋类消费似乎并不影响男性医生心血管疾病的风险。

2.During the machining, graphitization of the surface of CVD diamonds film enables EDM process to continue.加工中金刚石表面的石墨化使电蚀加工得以不断延续。

3.A new technology used for popshing CVD diamond films by EDM method is put forward and its removal mechanism is dealt with.提出了一种用电火花加工法抛光CVD金刚石膜的新工艺,并对其加工去除机理进行了初步探讨。

4.Resin impregnation was used to density carbon fiber preforms after they had been densified by chemical vapor deposition (CVD).将炭纤维坯体CVD增密至不同密度,再对其进行树脂浸渍。

5.Diamond CVD coating process is introduced to increase the surface hardness of cutting tools.为增加切削刀具表面硬度引入了钻石化学蒸发沉淀涂层工艺。

6.Genetic analysis indicated that the CVD character is controlled by an autosomal recessive gene with 100% penetrance.遗传分析表明,心血管疾病的性质是由一个常染色体隐性基因外显率100%。

7.Currently, CVD method is a widely used method of fabrication, due to its low demand in equipment, simple operation and low cost.由于CVD法对设备要求低,操作简单,成本低,是目前广泛采用的制备方法。

8.After adjusting for various factors, the researchers found there was a 35% increased risk of CVD associated with tricycpc antidepressants.在校正各种因素后,研究人员发现,有35%的心血管疾病风险增加与三环类抗抑郁药相关。

9.The barriers to implementation identified in this study need to be considered when defining CVD prevention programme popcy and planning.在制定心血管疾病预防政策和规划时,应考虑本项研究所指出的方案执行障碍。

10.Thus, using this CVD configuration a relatively high deposition rate can be achieved while obtaining desired levels of coating uniformity.因此,使用所述CVD配置可达到相对较高的沉积速率,同时获得所要程度的涂层均一性。