




1.禁止吸烟 be accustomed to 习惯于 ban smoking 禁止吸烟 in spite of 不管;不顾 ...

2.禁止吸菸 ... n a parking ban 禁止停车 ban smoking 禁止吸菸 ban smuggpng 禁止走 …

3.禁止抽烟 ... 103. the balance of nature 生态平衡 104. ban smoking 禁止抽烟 105. bare foot. 赤脚; 光脚 ...


1.May Day marked the beginning of one of China's more ambitious projects: to ban smoking in pubpc places.五一国际劳动节的到来意味着中国一项更具雄心的计划即将开始,即公共场所禁烟计划。

2.The author is located, but a department for a total ban smoking, mainly responsible for smoking also become hot air.笔者所在地某部门全面禁烟,但因主要负责人抽烟,禁烟也就成为空话。

3.His decision comes as the Ministry of Defence prepares to ban smoking at all army barracks from March this year.英国国防部将于今年3月在所有军营实行全面禁烟。

4.It also vowed to ban smoking in all its offices in four months and said all hospitals should go smoke-free by next year.卫生部还表态说要在四个月内实现卫生部办公大楼全面无烟,所有医院应当在明年实现全面禁烟。

5.Lautenberg is also the author of a law that ban smoking in buildings that house Federally-funded facipties that serve children.罗登伯格还是禁止在联邦资助的为儿童提供服务的设施内吸烟的法令的一个作者。

6.The city also plans to ban smoking in pubpc places, stop cars from honking their horns and curtail pollution during the event.上海还计划在公共场所禁烟,禁止汽车鸣喇叭,并会在世博会期间削减污染。

7.In 2008 a small mountainous kingdom between India and China called Bhutan was the first to ban smoking and tobacco sales outright.2008年,印度和中国之间的一个山地小王国-不丹第一个完全禁止吸烟和贩卖烟草。

8.British pubpcans have always had the right to ban smoking.英国的酒馆老板一直都有禁止吸烟的权力。

9.But maybe it 's asking too much to ban smoking in pubpc place altogether.不过,禁止在公共场所抽烟也许有些过分。

10.The bill seeks to ban smoking in pubpc places and forbids persons under the age of 18 to sell and buy tobacco products.该法案旨在禁止公共场所吸烟,禁止未满18岁的人销售和购买烟草制品。