


美式发音: 英式发音: [tri'stən]





1.崔斯坦 ... Tristan:No. 崔斯汀: 不。 Tristan:Yes. 崔斯汀: 是的。 Tristan:Don't do that. 崔斯汀: 别这样。 ...

5.特里斯坦级shkur)G突击 伊什库尔级(Enyo)G突击 特里斯坦级Tristan)G护卫 Phoon Temp Vaga Mega Domi IST C1 C2 C3 G1 G…

6.特里斯坛raviata La),瓦格纳(Wagner)的“特里斯坛”(Tristan),(小)约翰,施特劳斯(Johann Strauss)的“蝙蝠”(Die Fledermaus)…


1.TRISTAN: You were right. I do not know if pfe is greater than death, but love was more than either.崔斯坦:你过去是对的,我不知道生命是否比死亡更伟大,但爱超越了这两者。

2.Tristan's pfe seems perfect: work with a good salary, a beautiful and caring girlfriend, family members are very concerned about him.崔斯坦的生活看似完美:有着一份薪水不错的工作,女朋友漂亮而体贴,家人们也对他非常关心。

3.Tristan Cooper, of Moody's, a rating agency, had expected Abu Dhabi to be "a bit more fussy" about how the funds were used.来自一家评级机构穆迪公司的特里斯坦•库珀称,阿布扎比在关于资金是如何使用方面“有点大惊小怪”。

4.That you know I love you, Tristan. Wherever you go, whatever you see, I will always be with you.特里斯坦,你知道我爱你的。无论你去哪里,看见了什么,我都会陪着你。

5.The company TRISTAN manufactures high-performance equipment for environmentally friendly powder painting.TRISTAN公司生产高性能、环境友好型粉末涂料设备。

6.Tristan has no airport and can only be reached by sea.特里斯坦没有机场,只有乘船抵达。

7.In fact, although it was an imprudent action by Duscher, Spaniard Diego Tristan 's tackle on Beckham the week before was much worse.实际上,尽管杜舍尔的动作的确粗野,一周前西班牙人迭戈·特里斯坦对贝克汉姆的铲断却还要恶劣得多。

8.He struggles through his first job as a vet, with the help of his ever-ready boss, partner Siegfried, and Siegfried's brother, Tristan.在时刻准备伸出援手的老板、搭档齐格弗里德及其哥哥特瑞斯坦的帮助下,身为兽医的哈利为他的第一份工作奋力拼搏。

9.While yet aware of the impropriety of it, Isolde and Tristan fail to harness the mounting escalating magical power of love.虽然知道十分不应该,伊索尔德与特里斯坦却无力按抑抗拒益发澎湃的爱情魔力。

10.Tristan, I didn't drink it either. There was no love-potion, only love. It was you I drank.特里斯坦,我也没有喝。没有什么爱情魔药,只有爱。我喝下的是你。