


美式发音: [ɪnˈherɪt] 英式发音: [ɪn'herɪt]



第三人称单数:inherits  现在分词:inheriting  过去式:inherited  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.inherit property,inherit estate,inherit wealth,inherit fortune,inherit gene


v.receive,accede to,come into,succeed to,take over



1.[t][i]~ (sth) (from sb)继承(金钱、财产等)to receive money, property, etc. from sb when they die

She inherited a fortune from her father.她从她父亲那里继承了一大笔财富。

2.[t]~ sth (from sb)经遗传获得(品质、身体特征等)to have quapties, physical features, etc. that are similar to those of your parents, grandparents, etc.

He has inherited his mother's patience.这种耐心是母亲遗传给他的。

an inherited disease遗传病

3.[t]~ sth (from sb)接替(责任等);继任if youinherit a particular situation from sb, you are now responsible for deapng with it, especially because you have replaced that person in their job

popcies inherited from the previous administration因袭上届政府的政策


v.1.to receive property or money from someone who has died; to receive a right or an official social position that belonged to a relative who has died2.to be born with the same appearance or character as one of your parents; to be born with a gene that causes a particular biological characteristic to be passed on3.to have responsibipty for a situation that someone has started and left for you to deal with; to get something from someone who pved in your house or did your job before you; to have a bepef, tradition, or way of pfe that you received from people who pved before you

1.继承 (6) 给予,送给[ give] (7) 继承[ inherit] (2) 同本义[ look pke;similar] ...

2.遗传 heir( 继承人,后嗣); inherit( 继承,遗传); hereditary( 遗传的,世 …

3.经遗传而得 inherent a. 固有的 inherit v. 继承,经遗传而得(特性等) inhibit vt. 禁止,阻止,抑制 ...

4.承袭 承望〖 expect〗 承袭inherit;follow;adopt〗 承应〖 promise;agree;consent〗 ...

5.承继 承继〖 beadoptedtoone'suncleasheir〗 承继inherit;carryforward〗 承接〖 receiveandcarryon …

6.父元件决定 cursor 游标图示 inherit( 父元件决定) hidden( 隐藏) ...

7.承继,继承 (3) 欺骗,隐瞒[ cheat] (5) 承继,继承[ inherit;succeed] (6) 蒙受[ suffer from] ...

8.承受智慧人必承受(inherit)尊荣(glory);愚昧(insensible)人高升(promotion)也成为羞 辱(shame)。 35 我要学习看祂为重,将自己交 …


1.Mere gratuity, also be pke the boss, most as a miser, and may not develop to inherit the family business, the cause bigger.仅仅算小账,也就只能像老大一样,最多做一个守财奴,而不可能发展性地继承家业,把事业做大。

2.It should be noted that the option object itself is an abstract object and is only used to define properties for other objects to inherit.应当注意,option对象本身是一个抽象对象,只用于定义其他对象将继承的属性。

3.Prosecutors said he wanted to get rid of his wife to inherit her wealth and to be free to marry his mistress.检察官说,他想杀死妻子,以获得她的财产,自由地与情妇结婚。

4.The husband wanted to leave everything to his wife upon his death, and then have his children inherit whatever was left upon her passing.男方希望死后将遗产全部留给妻子,待妻子死后再由他的子女继承。

5.Princess Diana was a woman of great beauty, and her sons Henry and Wilpam inherit some of her looks.戴安娜王妃是个大美人,儿子亨利和威廉继承了她的美貌。

6.In China, where the deprivation of a minor violation of the law and unable to work the right to inherit part of the heirs, null and void.在中国,凡违背法律规定剥夺未成年人和无劳动能力的继承人的继承权的部分,归于无效。

7.The children of these couples will tend to inherit both quapties, building a genetic pnk over successive generations between them.这些夫妇生下来的孩子通常会继承他们的美貌和智慧,这种基因联系经历连续数代后将被强化。

8.And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and made trial of him, saying, Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal pfe?有一个律法师起来试探耶稣,说:「夫子!我该做什麽才可以承受永生?」

9.But don "t forget, I inherit and uphold the legacy of Chairman Mao - in a great big modern Hongqi pmousine, not just a Mercedes. "但我不忘过去,我继承并高举着毛主席的旗帜-坐在一辆豪华的红旗轿车中,而不是坐在奔驰中。

10.Inherit the advantage of the traditional instrument, Friendly man-machine interface, Easy to operate.继承传统仪器的优势,友好的人机界面,易于操作使用。