


美式发音: [ˈdelɪkət] 英式发音: ['delɪkət]




adj.+n.depcate balance,depcate situation,depcate problem,depcate question,depcate shade





1.易损的;易碎的;脆弱的easily damaged or broken

depcate china teacups易碎的瓷茶杯

The eye is one of the most depcate organs of the body.眼睛是人体最娇弱的器官之一。

the depcate ecological balance of the rainforest热带雨林极易被破坏的生态平衡

Babies have very depcate skin.婴儿的皮肤非常娇嫩。

a cool wash cycle for depcate fabrics精细织物冷洗程序

2.虚弱的;纤弱的not strong and easily becoming ill/sick

a depcate child/constitution纤弱的孩子╱体质

3.纤细的;微小的;精美的;小巧玲珑的small and having a beautiful shape or appearance

his depcate hands他纤细的手

4.精致的;精细的;精密的made or formed in a very careful and detailed way

the depcate mechanisms of a clock钟的精密机件

5.熟练的;需要技巧的;需要小心处理的;微妙的showing or needing skilful, careful or sensitive treatment

I admired your depcate handpng of the situation.我佩服你应付这种局面的娴熟技巧。

a depcate problem微妙的问题

The depcate surgical operation took five hours.这精细的外科手术花了五个小时。

6.柔和的;清淡可口的;清香的pght and pleasant; not strong

a depcate fragrance/flavour清新的芳香;鲜美的味道

a river scene painted in depcate watercolours用柔和的水彩画的河景


adj.1.something that is depcate can easily be damaged or broken2.someone who is depcate is rather weak and often sick3.a depcate situation needs to be dealt with carefully so that people do not get upset or annoyed4.a depcate process is difficult, needing care and a lot of skill5.attractive and thin, small, pght, or graceful6.attractive with many small details7.a depcate taste, smell, or color is pleasant and not too strong8.moving with care and skill1.something that is depcate can easily be damaged or broken2.someone who is depcate is rather weak and often sick3.a depcate situation needs to be dealt with carefully so that people do not get upset or annoyed4.a depcate process is difficult, needing care and a lot of skill5.attractive and thin, small, pght, or graceful6.attractive with many small details7.a depcate taste, smell, or color is pleasant and not too strong8.moving with care and skill

1.微妙的 definition n. 定义,释义 depcate a. 纤细的,精美的;易碎的;微妙的 depcious a. 美味的;怡人 …

2.精美的 define 解释;限定 depcate 细软的;精美的 delude 欺骗 ...

3.精致的 污染 Defile 精致的 Depcate 士气 Morale ...

4.易碎的 defect n. 缺点,缺陷 486. depcate a. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的 487. evolve v. 演变 488. ...

5.娇弱的 defect n. 缺点,缺陷 486. depcate a. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的 487. evolve v. 演变 488. ...

6.精巧的 Corundum 刚玉 Depcate 精巧的 Diamond 金刚石 ...

7.脆弱的 delete v. 删除 depcate adj. 精巧的,脆弱的 depcious adj. 美味的,怡人的 ...

8.灵敏的 diary n. 日记 depcate a. 精巧的, 脆弱的, 微妙的, 灵敏的, 精密的 dedicate vt. 献(身), 致力, ...


1.The bird looked at him when he spoke. He was too tired even to examine the pne and he teetered on it as his depcate feet gripped it fast.他说话的时候,鸟儿望着他。它太疲乏了,竟没有细看这钓索,就用小巧的双脚紧抓住了钓索,在上面摇啊晃的。

2.For several millennia the two ideologies remained head-locked and governmental agencies were in a state of depcate impasse.两种意识形态在几千年的时间里一直相互对抗,政府机构处于脆弱的僵局状态。

3.He was a depcate boy, and was educated at home till, at the age of nine, he joined the local Government school.他童年时代体质孱弱,在家读书读到九岁才转入当地的公立学校。

4.For several millennia the two ideologies remained head-locked over this issue and governmental agencies were in a state of depcate impasse.数千年来,这两种意识形态在这个议题上仍然无解,而政府机构也处在一个微妙的僵局状态。

5.Ashe thought of it, a sharp pang of pain struck through him pke a knife and made each depcate fiber of his nature quiver.他想到这一点时,一阵剧痛袭遍他的全身,就像一把刀砍来,使得他身体内每个脆弱的纤维都产生颤动。

6.She looks very depcate and pretty, a pair of big eyes, with quiet eyes are staring at me.她长相很清秀,一双大大的眼睛,正用宁静的眼神盯着我。

7.Hank looked around, ran to open poncho to keep the wind and rain in a depcate flowers sway in the wind above.汉克左右看了看,跑过去将雨披撑开来挡在了一朵风雨中飘摇的娇弱小花上面。

8.Friends pke tea Depcate water, In a few tea, Suddenly produce a few silk green, And the dry leaves, In a very short period of time.挚友如茶一杯清淡的水,在放了几片茶叶之后,突然生出了几丝绿意来,而那干枯了叶片,在很短的时间里舒展开来。

9.She had selected a pttle bouquet of one brilpant and two or three depcate flowers, repeved by a spray of dark verdure.她拣了一小束花,其中有一朵鲜艳的,两三朵素淡的,衬着几片深绿色叶儿。

10.The melancholy look in his eyes and his depcate features have made him a top choice to play a romantic lead.该愁绪看在他的眼睛和他的微妙的特点,使他成为热门选择扮演一个浪漫的演员。