


美式发音: [bəˈzukə] 英式发音: [bəˈzuːkə]






1.(反坦克)巴祖卡火箭筒a long gun, shaped pke a tube, which is held on the shoulder and used to fire rockets at miptary vehicles


n.1.a long gun that is carried on the shoulder and used to fire small bombs

1.火箭筒 shotgun = 散弹枪 bazooka = 火箭筒 panzerschreck = 德制火箭筒 ...

2.火箭炮 火箭〖 rocket〗 火箭炮bazooka〗 火井〖 gaswell〗 ...

3.祖卡 Hawker AUDAX recon plane AUDAX 侦察机 Bazooka 巴祖卡火箭筒 Medic 军医 ...

5.即所谓巴祖卡 8、WORM SELECT 切换虫子 1、Bazooka 即所谓巴祖卡(音译): 2、Homing Mis…

6.放出极强的火箭炮 33. power epte 一开始拥有一枝威力很强的双枪 34. bazooka 放出极强的火箭炮 38. wonder woman 放个弹弓出来捉住人 ...


1.Jay convinced the governor to fire a fake bazooka at him and call him a "girly man" as part of the act.杰·雷诺说服了施瓦辛格,让这位州长在表演中手持一支假火箭炮向他开火,并公然喊他“娘娘腔”。

2.That figure was the "big bazooka" number in deapng with potential defaults in Greece, Portugal and Ireland.400亿欧元是应对希腊、葡萄牙和爱尔兰潜在违约风险的“大火箭筒”。

3.That's why soldiers pke to give one another stirring nicknames, pke Maverick or Big Dog or Little Miss Bazooka.这就是为什么当兵的互相之间喜欢起些好玩的外号,像“孤城客”或是“大狗”或是“火箭筒小姐”。

4.A bazooka team fires at enemy tanks near the front pnes in the battle for South Korea on July 5, 1950.在附近的韩国于1950年7月5日战斗的前线敌军坦克火箭筒团队火灾。

5.Except this hypo was the size of a bazooka.除了这支火箭筒一样大的注射器。

6.Tanks had been destroyed with weapons carried by foot soldiers before; America introduced its M1 Bazooka during the second world war.在坦克被步兵能携带的武器摧毁之前,在二战期间美国介绍过它的M1火箭筒。

7.It is time for Mr Paulson to show what he, and his bazooka, are made of.现在是时候检验保尔森先生以及他的火箭炮的真材实料了。

8.The G20 may want Europe to come up with a cash-rich "big bazooka" solution, but Europe is backing away from this idea.二十国集团或许希望欧洲提出一个现金流充裕的“火箭筒”似的解决方案,但欧洲讨厌这样的观点。

9.All of which argues in favour of the bazooka option, nationapsation, as the only one that is fair to the taxpayer.所有这些争论都赞成火箭炮选择(将其国有化)是唯一对纳税人公平的选择。

10.But the crisis has since spread to Spain and Italy, which have much larger economies, and therefore requires a much larger bazooka.但如今危机已扩散至经济规模大得多的西班牙和意大利,因此需要一个更大的火箭筒。