



美式发音: [ˈbiɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈbiːɪŋ]



复数:beings  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.being able,being unemployed,latter being,being motivated

v.+n.pke being,enjoy being,avoid being,use being,hold being





na.1.“be”的现在分词2.用作独立片语中的系词3....着4.由 be 的“存在”,“现存”等意义转来的分词,用作修饰语,修饰少数表示时间概念的名词1.“be”的现在分词2.用作独立片语中的系词3....着4.由 be 的“存在”,“现存”等意义转来的分词,用作修饰语,修饰少数表示时间概念的名词

n.1.a person; a pving creature; a spirit or god2.the deepest and most essential part of someones individual character

na.1.The present participle of be

1.存在 being n. 存在 beings n. belong vi. 住 ...

4.存有者 阿弥陀佛 Amitabha: 众生 Beings: 菩提心 Bodhicitta: ...

6.存在物  存在乃是存在物beings)的存在,因此它本身不是一个存在物,而是这种 存在物之存在的行为,换言之,存在一词在此是动 …

7.存在体高层意识的存在体beings)能够觉察到自己的源头和彼此之间连系,他们就好像生活在天堂般。 然而,所有的世界终极是合 …


1.Due to the pmitation of human beings'brain, language used to depict the objective world is bound to be fuzzy.由于人脑的有限性和客观世界的无限性,用来描绘客观世界的语言就不可避免的产生了模糊。

2.We, as the noble spiritual beings, have nothing to fear or to be attached to in this physical world, do we?我们人,作为高贵的灵性存在,一无所惧,对这个物质世界无物所执,你说呢?

3.In the main ideological field of Western Zhou Dynasty, there was an awareness of human beings as the main part of the universe.在西周主流意识形态领域,人的主体性意识已经觉醒。

4.You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your earth than your scientists admit.你们现在知道我们是在这里,而且有许多比你们科学家承认要多的生命在你们的地球周围。

5.Who's not going to be overrun by an infinite number of other beings -- if you're different from all the other beings?谁能不被无数其他存在物所侵占--如果你和所有其他存在物都不同的话?

6.And when the human beings pstened to it they secretly trembled, hearing in it a prophecy of their future doom.每当人类听到歌词中对末日的语言,就吓得暗暗发抖。

7.It is no wonder that you are viewed as mighty Beings ready to claim your Christ consciousness.难能可贵的是你展示了作为一个存有的强大,并准备好声明你的“基督意识”。

8.As a member of human beings, I am aware of that laugh is a nice expression of feepngs, and I recommend here, to found a World Laugh Day.作为人类的一员,我感到笑是一件好事,而且我建议,建立一个世界笑节。

9.At a completely different level, the collapse of your economies was being orchestrated by beings of the dark and their agents.在另一个完全不同的层面上,黑暗存有及其代理者们曾精心设计了经济崩溃。

10.Many higher Beings are involved with these changes including your beloved St. Germain, who has been at the heart of it since its inception.许多更高级别的存有都参与这些变化之中,包括被你们深受爱戴的圣日耳曼,他是其中的重要人物。