



美式发音: [tɑrt] 英式发音: [tɑː(r)t]




复数:tarts  比较级:tarter  最高级:tartest  同义词反义词







adj.1.tart food or drinks have a spghtly sour taste2.a tart reply or remark is spghtly cruel

n.1.a pie that has no top and is filled with fruit or something sweet2.an offensive word for a woman who dresses or behaves as if she wants to attract men and have sex; an offensive word for a woman who is a prostitutesomeone who has sex with people for money

1.果馅饼 圆面包 bread rolls 3006 果馅饼 tarts 3006 燕麦食品 oat-based food 3006 ...

2.水果塔 芝士蛋糕 Cheesecake 挞饼 Tarts 面包 Breads ...

4.塔类 ... 核桃松饼 Walnut muffins 葡挞 Tarts 奶油曲奇 Butter cookies ...

6.塔派 戚风 chiffon 塔派 tarts 饼乾 cookies ...

7.塔的艺术 SPECIAL IN CUP 杯子的艺术 TARTS 塔的艺术 A WORD TO F&B OWNER 给于餐饮业者 …


1.When his mother sent over coffee-cake or prune tarts or a loaf of fresh bread, Polly seemed to regard them with a certain suspicion.当他的母亲发出超过咖啡蛋糕或修剪挞或新鲜面包,波莉似乎把具有一定怀疑他们。

2.She was really hungry, so the chicken and tarts served to divert her attention for a time.她真的饿慌了,因此鸡和馅饼暂时转移了她的注意力。

3.As it was centuries ago, the fare served at teatime is made up of breads, cakes, tarts, cookies and a beverage.就像几世纪前一样,下午茶时会供应面包、蛋糕、水果塔、饼干及饮料。

4.In the very middle of the court was a table, with a large dish of tarts upon it.法庭正中放着一张桌子,桌上有一大盘果馅饼。

5.He's taking her to KFC for a box of egg tarts.他要带女友去肯德基(KFC)买一盒蛋挞。

6.In the middle of the court was a table with a dish of tarts on it.法庭的中间放着一张桌子,桌子上摆着果馅饼。

7.We also highly recommend homemade cookies and mini coconut tarts baked by students of Pinehill which you could sample in the restaurant.此外值得为大家推荐一尝的是由松岭综合职业训练中心学员制造的曲奇饼及椰丝馅饼。

8.Custard tarts must be an ancient invention, given the wide spread of variations across the world.肯定是很早就有奶油蛋挞,然后在世界各地广为流传。

9.Ah, sure, the chutney is actually made up of a combination of Cap'n Crunch and Pop Tarts, but we chop 'em up really, really fine.啊,当然,酸辣酱实际上由嘎吱船长麦片和水果蛋塔组成,但我们把它们切得非常非常碎。

10.'Egg tarts represent the beginning of our love, ' Mr. Wang said.王希珏说,蛋挞代表我们爱情的开始。