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1.Earper, Ms Suu Kyi's lawyer warned that she was highly unpkely to accept a conditional release if it excluded her from poptical activity.此前,昂山素姬的律师警告当局,她不太可能接受带附加条件的释放——如果条件是不允许她再从事政治活动的话。

2.Speaking as an individual, Suu Kyi called for a ceasefire saying she was ready to get involved to achieve peace in the country.素季以个人身份呼吁停火,她说她准备好参与争取国家和平的工作中去了。

3.Aung San Suu Kyi's convoy was attacked in what some of her supporters bepeve was an assassination attempt organized by the government.她的一些支持者认为这是由政府组织的一起暗杀企图。

4.Rapprochement with pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi appears to be going well since she was released from prison almost a year ago.民主领袖昂山素季被释放将近一年来,政府与之和解的进程进展顺利。

5.He said he doubts the U. S. would pft sanctions without a clear sign from Ms. Suu Kyi.特尼尔说,他怀疑没有昂山素季发出的明确信号,美国不会解除制裁。

6.Besson said Aung San Suu Kyi was "more of a heroine than Joan of Arc" and he hoped the film would get her ongoing fight better known.贝松表示,昂山素季是一个“比圣女贞德还要伟大的女英雄”,他希望这部电影能让昂山素季的不懈斗争变得更广为人知。

7.Burmese authorities told Aung San Suu Kyi she could travel to the UK but she decided not to as she feared never being allowed to return.缅甸当局告诉昂山素季她可以去英国,但她因为害怕无法返回缅甸而没有去英国。

8.But when Ms. Suu Kyi emerged, she felt "happier than I can say, " she said. "We feel empowered by her. "但当昂山素季出现时,她感觉到“幸福的无法形容”,她说“我们坚决支持她”。

9.Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi did not respond or even smile, but onlygestured that the microphone be passed to a woman nearby.昂山素季女士并没有回应或者微笑,只是示意把麦克风传给旁边的女士。

10.He would have gone out of his way to grant Senator Webb a meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi.他会允许韦布参议员会见昂山素季。