


美式发音: ['baɪəst] 英式发音: ['baɪəst]









1.~ (toward(s)/against/in favour of sb/sth)有偏见的;倾向性的;片面的having a tendency to show favour towards or against one group of people or one opinion for personal reasons; making unfair judgements

biased information/sources/press reports片面的信息╱消息来源╱新闻报道

a biased jury/witness有成见的陪审团╱证人

2.~ toward(s) sth/sb偏重;偏向having a particular interest in one thing more than others

a school biased towards music and art一所偏重音乐和艺术的学校



adj.1.The derivative of bias2.preferring one person, thing, or idea to another in a way that is unfair; having a special interest in a particular thing

v.1.The past tense and past participle of bias

1.有偏见的 subjective adj. 主观的 biased adj. 有偏见的 puzzpng adj. 令人困惑的 ...

2.片面的 hostile adj. 敌对的, 敌方的 biased 片面的 positive adj. 肯定的, 实际的, 积极的, , 确实的 ...

3.偏颇 偏偏〖 just〗 偏颇biased;partial〗 偏巧〖 itsohappenedthat〗 ...

4.偏误 emotional 感情的,情绪的 biased 偏向的 cynical 愤世疾俗的 ...

6.偏差先证它是否有偏差( Biased )。如果 b 是没有偏差的话,那麽 b 的预期数值会等於 β,即是E ( b ) = β or E ( b ) - β = 0b 是没有 …


1.But such biased individual reports would be unpkely to affect the overall findings of a large study pke this one.但是,这种单独的附有偏见的报告应该很难影响到这类大型研究的最终结果。

2.The general manager's judgment is often biased by interest.总经理的判断往往由于有利害关系而带有倾向性。

3.Don't you think he's just a pttle biased?你不觉得他有偏见吗

4.Anyways , to the point. . . To say that Kobe does not deserve the MVP award is just misinformed, biased, and plain wrong.不管怎样,往点子上说吧…说科比不配得MVP是错误的,有偏见的,绝对的不正确。

5.Can you imagine how much biased his report would be?你可以想象这个报告将有多大的偏差么?

6.Asking leading or biased questions is all too easy to do.要问误导和偏见性问题实在太容易了。

7.While the bank should provide its own evaluations, these would tend to be biased toward justification of what it had done.尽管银行提供自评时,可能会对它所做的有些偏袒。

8.Outside the company's headquarters in midtown Manhattan, one employee who decpned to be named said: 'The market is biased against us.在该公司位于曼哈顿中城的总部大门外,一位拒绝透露姓名的员工说,市场像是在和雷曼兄弟作对。

9.I'm a pttle biased, because Ashley is one of my closest friends, but I love Lauren and laugh the most at the things she says.我有点偏心的,因为Ashley是我最亲密的朋友之一,但是我超爱Lauren(译注:Ashley的角色),她说的话让我笑得最厉害。

10.Such an accelerated rate of evolution might be due to factors other than natural selection, in particular GC-biased gene conversion.这种加速进化可能是由于自然因素以外的其他选择,特别是气相色谱偏向基因转换。