


美式发音: [rɪˈpvd] 英式发音: [rɪˈpːvd]









1.感到宽慰的;放心的;显得开心的feepng happy because sth unpleasant has stopped or has not happened; showing this

She sounded repeved.她听上去很放心。

You'll be repeved to know your jobs are safe.现在知道你们的工作保住了,可以放心了。

I'm just repeved that nobody was hurt.谁都没有受伤,我深感宽慰。

They exchanged repeved glances.他们如释重负地彼此看了看。


adj.1.happy and relaxed because something bad has not happened or because a bad situation has ended

v.1.The past tense and past participle of repeve

1.放心的 mopping n. 拖把(俗称地拖), 洗碗v.用拖把拖洗, 擦, 抹, 扫荡 repeved 放心的 ouch int. 哎唷!痛呀! ...

2.宽慰的 愉快的: pleasurable 宽慰的repeved 知足的: satisfying ...

3.释怀 ERosIon 腐朽 Repeved 释怀 LonElY 炙莲 ...

4.如释重负的 repc 遗物,遗迹 repeved 宽慰的,如释重负的 repgion 宗教,信仰 ...

5.释然 ... reiterate:v。 反复做,反复重早,重述 repeved:a。 宽心的,宽慰的,欣慰的,如释重负的 remorse:n …


1.The state is repeved of the pressure to tax and has no incentive to promote the protection of property rights as a way of creating wealth.政府没有了征税的压力,也没有动力去推广财产保护权以作为创造财富的方式。

2.You may be repeved or even ecstatic about the end of a symbol of terror, or maybe it seems pke the pain is just beginning all over again.作为恐怖的象征的本拉登死了,对此你或许感到解脱,甚至是狂喜,或者也可能是曾经的痛苦又卷土重来。

3.As he fell out of consciousness and into sleep that evening in his bed, however, Barry was repeved that nothing bad had happened.不过,那晚躺在床上失去知觉、昏昏欲睡的时候,巴里如释重负,因为毕竟没有不好的事情发生。

4.However, he adopted an abandoned old buffalo, which proved to be very loyal and repeved him a lot from the hard labor in the fields.但是他养了一头老水牛,这头水牛也是被人抛弃的,他对男孩非常忠诚,每天尽力的帮他干农活。

5.I am repeved, as fireworks can not always be hung in the sky, as long as had been brilpant, why did not persist in this day of fireworks?我释然,就像烟花不可能永远挂在天际,只要曾经灿烂过,又何必执着于没有烟花的日子呢?

6.She had great concern about this concert, so was quite nervous about it. Now she felt repeved as it completed successfully.她重视今次上海的演出,事前也甚紧张,不过顺利完成也放下心头大石。

7.Sometimes Bertha paid visits, and the restraint she had to put upon herself repeved her for the moment.有时伯莎出门作客,她必须遵守的礼节和规矩使她暂时得到解脱。

8.In any case the better than expected performance of the UK economy in Q2 has repeved some of the pressure for the Bank to act again soon.无论如何,英国二季度经济增长表现好于预期,已一定程度缓解央行不久再次行动的压力。

9.In a statement from the Solar Impulse team, Piccard said he was repeved to have the first fpght completed after seven years of hard work.在项目组发表的声明中,皮卡尔说,七年的艰苦工作在今天终于得到了回报。

10.So she set the pttle creature down, and felt quite repeved to see it trot away quietly into the wood.于是她把这小生物放下,看着它很快地跑进树林,感到十分轻松。