

black ice

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1.黑冰,薄冰(路面上很薄的冰层)ice in a thin layer on the surface of a road


n.1.a dangerous layer of ice that is difficult to see on a road or path

1.黑冰 Shehe/ 极星 BLACK ICE/ 黑冰 SALOMON/ 萨洛蒙 ...

2.谁和谁和谁有路 black ice 冰皮 black ice 透明薄冰 black insulating tape 黑色绝缘胶布 ...

4.黑冰风暴 ... 【Working On A Dream 筑梦踏实】 【Black Ice 黑冰风暴】 【Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix 阿 …

5.冰火情敌 荣获今年「芬兰奥斯卡」最佳影片等六项大奖、描述两个女人之间既忌妒又爱慕的 …

6.结冰 海绵岩 spongopte 海面薄冰 black ice 海面升降的 eustatic ...


1.Be careful as you drive home tonight because there are sure to be patches of black ice on the highways .你晚上开车回家要小心啊,因为高速路上肯定会有很多黑冰。

2.And in Los Angeles, a firefighter lost control of his engine on black ice and skidded off the road.在洛杉矶,一辆行驶在黑冰(冰雪,碎石,溶水都混杂其中)上消防车引擎失控,在刹车时滑出路面。

3.Unpke laser surgery can cause back to black, ice RF electric instrument with skin-deep beauty of people can be treated.不像雷射会造成术后返黑,冰电波拉皮美容仪连肤色深的人都可以治疗。

4.black ice all black skin seedless water melons: This variety disease resistance is extra-heavy, bears the continuous cropping.黑冰纯黑皮无籽西瓜:该品种抗病性特强,耐重茬。

5.Drive slowly, obviously, because black ice can form anywhere. Be particularly careful on roundabouts and corners.减速慢行——显然,深色的冰可以出现在任何地方——尤其是转弯处和角落里。

6.It is expecting the situation to gradually improve but low temperatures mean black ice may form again this evening, the KNMI said.不过预计这种天气形势会渐渐改善,但是低温意味着晚间又会形成薄冰。

7.But the spell effect should be that Black Ice only buffs Frost.不过技能效果应该是黑冰只能影响冰伤害了。

8.The P2 first appeared in Black Ice (1990, West End Games), a roleplaying game adventure module written by Paul Murphy and Bill Slavicsek.P2首次出现在由保罗·墨菲(PaulMurphy)和比尔·斯拉维塞克(BillSlavicsek)编写的角色扮演冒险游戏模块《黑冰》(1990年,西末游戏公司)。

9.Black Ice doesn't affect Shadow damage anymore.“黑冰”不再影响暗影伤害。

10.In my case, I was driving too fast in black ice conditions I was not aware of.对于我来说,是我开的太快以至于没有意识到路面的黑冰路况。