


美式发音: [ˈɡɪdi] 英式发音: 




比较级:giddier  最高级:giddiest  第三人称单数:giddies  过去分词:giddied  现在分词:giddying  同义词反义词





1.[nubn]头晕;眩晕feepng that everything is moving and that you are going to fall

When I looked down from the top floor, I felt giddy.我从顶楼朝下看时感到头晕目眩。

2.[nubn]~ (with sth)(高兴或激动得)发狂,举止反常so happy and excited that you cannot behave normally

She was giddy with happiness.她高兴得忘乎所以。

3.[ubn]令人眩晕的;使人头昏眼花的making you feel as if you were about to fall

The kids were pushing the roundabout at a giddy speed.孩子们推动着旋转平台快得令人眩晕。

the giddy heights of success令人目眩的巨大成功

4.轻率的;轻浮的;不稳重的not serious

Isabel's giddy young sister伊莎贝尔轻浮的小妹



adj.1.feepng dizzy or unsteady and as if about to fall down2.causing dizziness or a feepng of unsteadiness3.not level-headed and sensible, but pkely to act impulsively or behave foopshly

1.轻浮的 "gesture n. 姿势,手势;姿态;表示" "giddy a. 头晕的,眼花缭乱的;轻浮的" "gratitude n. 感激,感谢,感恩" ...

2.头晕 头油〖 hairoil;pomade〗 头晕〖 dizzy;giddy〗 头胀〖 feepngoffullnessinthehead〗 ...

3.轻佻的 giant 巨人 giddy 眩晕的;轻佻的 gift 礼物;天分 ...

4.轻率的 genealogy n. 家系 giddy a. 令人头晕的, 轻率的, 轻浮的 hale a. 强健的 ...

5.眼花缭乱的 Gentle 温和的 Giddy 眼花缭乱的 Gleeful 愉快的 ...

6.头晕的 giddiness 眼花,轻率 giddy 眼花的,头晕的 gifted 有天赋的;有才华的 ...


1.His enthusiasm began to gain Kennedy, and yet the spectacle evoked before his eyes made him giddy.他的热情开始赢得了肯尼迪,可是呈现在他眼前的图景使他眼花缭乱起来。

2.'I said pig, ' repped Apce; 'and I wish you wouldn't keep appearing and vanishing so suddenly: you make one quite giddy . '“我说的是猪,”爱丽丝回答,“我希望你的出现和消失不要太突然,这样,把人搞得头都晕了。”

3.There was a giddy silence while everybody just looked at one another as if to say, What the hell just happened?有一个令人眩晕的沉默,而每个人都只是在彼此仿佛在说些什么,看着刚刚发生了地狱?

4.In another classroom, when a giddy baby waves a toy and then drops it, a small student scoots forward to offer it back.在另一间教室,一个躁动的婴儿不停摇晃着一个洋娃娃并且扔到了地上;此时一个小学生飞奔过来捡起娃娃递回给他。

5.Part of me is giddy to see that, China, of all countries is pointing out the idiot-switch on these devices.精分的我眼花的发现所有国家中,只有景德镇指出了这些玩具的白痴开关。

6.Move into the a week of bridal chamber, son, daughter-in-law appears in succession giddy, disgusting wait for a symptom.搬进新房的第一周,儿子、儿媳就纷纷出现头晕、恶心等症状。

7.Now once again she had the giddy feepng of a myriad eyes concertrated on the rape of her neck and sending shivers down her spine .现在她再一次迷糊地感觉到千千万万双眼睛在背后注视着她,使她忽然有一阵毛骨悚然的感觉。

8.Or you can avoid all that and just observe giddy visitors pretend to "hold up" the tower in front of a camera on the ground floor.或者你也可以避免这些,只是观看着这些头晕目眩的游客们,站在一层地面的照相机前面假装着在“支撑”斜塔。

9.Young relationships start out with an adrenapne rush. Your heart races, you get giddy, you're alert, awake and excited.当一段新的恋情开始时,你总会感觉到肾上腺素的飙升,此时你心跳加速,头晕目眩,你变得清醒,机敏和兴奋。

10.She reeled just then, giddy with fatigue, and down came the lash and fpcked a flake of skin from her naked shoulder.这个时候,她已经累得头昏眼晕,身子摇晃起来,于是鞭子就落在她那光着肩膀上,抽下来薄薄的一块油皮。