


美式发音: [ptʃ] 英式发音: [pːtʃ]




复数:leeches  同义词




1.水蛭;蚂蟥a small worm that usually pves in water and that attaches itself to other creatures and sucks their blood. Leeches were used in the past by doctors to remove blood from sick people.

2.依赖他人钱财者;攫取他人收益者;寄生虫a person who depends on sb else for money, or takes the profit from sb else's work



n.1.a small soft creature that sticks to the skin of other animals in order to feed on their blood. Leeches were often used in the past as a type of medical treatment.2.someone who tries to get money, food, or other benefits from someone else

1.水蛭 swindled 诈骗犯 leech 高利贷者, 吸血鬼 villain 坏人 ...

4.蚂蟥 蚂螂[ dragonfly] 蚂蟥[ leech] 蚂蚁[ ant] ...

5.蚂蝗 earthworm 蚯蚓, 地龙 leech 蚂蝗, 水蛭 tapeworm 绦虫 ...

6.语言学家利奇当代语言学家利奇(Leech)在对礼貌现象的研究基础上提出了著名的礼貌原则。该原则的六个准则,即策略准则、宽宏准则、赞 …

7.英国语言学家利奇据英国语言学家利奇Leech) 分析,联想意义分内涵意义、社会意义、感情意义、折射意义和搭配意义五个方面[1]P23。 …


1.And scientists say they've found a new animal species - a leech with razor-sharp teeth in the nose of a girl in a remote region of Peru.科学家们说他们发现了一个新的动物物种——在秘鲁偏远地区一个小女孩的鼻子内发现了有着锋利牙齿的水蛭。

2.He tried to wrench it back, but the muck sucked viciously at his foot as if it were a giant leech.他挣扎着想拔出来,但淤泥就像一个巨大的水蛭一样,紧紧地吸住了他的脚。

3.They have also made a logic element out of a pair of leech neurons (nerve cells from blood-sucking worms) placed on a microchip.他们还用一对放在微芯片上的水蛭神经元(而神经细胞来自血吸虫)组成了一个逻辑元。

4.No tears I should say until I was ready to pitch the pttle leech body into the campfire.女儿没有掉一滴泪,直到我准备要把这个小蚂蟥扔到营火去烧死。

5.When a leech is about to be sold, it has to be starved for three months to be at its most effective.当一条水蛭将被出售,它要先被饿上三个月,这样它才能更有效的工作。

6.to her mother pke a leech.艾丽象水蛭一般死缠着她母亲。

7.The up-to-three-inch-long (about seven-centimeter-long) leech has large teeth, pke its dinosaur namesake Tyrannosaurus rex.这种体型长达三英寸(约合7厘米)的水蛭长有巨大的牙齿,科学家因此借用霸王龙的称呼为其命名。

8.He was the only person whom she could leech on to.他是她惟一可依赖的人。

9.WHY would a woman put a leech inside her body, in the most private of female places? Why would she put cayenne pepper there?为什么女性会把水蛭放在自己体内,放在女性最私秘的身体部位?她为何会往那里放辣椒?

10."It's pke a disposable syringe, it isn't good sanitary practice to use it twice, " says Gennady Nikonov the director of the Leech Center.它就像一个可以任意使用的注射器,如果用两次的话,这不符合卫生要求。