


美式发音: [ˈblɑkɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈblɒkɪdʒ]



复数:blockages  同义词




1.造成阻塞的东西;阻塞物a thing that blocks flow or movement, for example of a liquid in a narrow place

a blockage in an artery/a pipe/a drain动脉╱管道╱排水沟堵塞物

2.堵塞;阻塞the state of being blocked

to cause/clear the blockage引起╱疏通阻塞


n.1.something that blocks a tube or pipe

1.封锁 beset: 包围 blockage封锁 nitrogen bubble: 氮气气泡 ...

2.堵塞 壁效应 wall effect 堵塞 blockage 堵塞效应 blockage effect ...

3.阻塞 bless v. 祝福,保佑 blockage n. 封锁,阻塞 blonde n. 金发碧眼的人a.金发碧眼的 ...

4.阻碍 enjoy the ride 享受 blockage n. 堵塞;封锁;阻碍 doorstep n. 门前台阶 ...

5.阻滞 blockade 阻滞 blockage 阻滞 blocked pleurisy 阻断性胸膜炎 ...

6.闭塞 ) diabetes (医) 糖尿病, 多尿症 ) blockage 闭塞,妨碍 ) Icelandic 冰岛的 ...

7.阻断 block anesthesia 阻滞麻醉 blockage 阻滞,阻塞,阻断 blocking 阻断 ...

8.堵塞的区别 务实 _ rational 堵塞的区别 _ blockage 闯荡 _ adventure ...


1.A bruit is usually detected with a stethoscope and is an indicator of arterial blockage.杂音通常由听诊器探测到,提示动脉阻塞。

2.The blockage of the sun for an extended period would have caused global temperatures to plummet and photosynthesis to all but ceases.阳光的长期遮挡将引起全球的气温剧降,而且光合作用将完全停止。

3.Looking back, it had been years since I had cleaned the carbon deposits, and I had not expected such a serious blockage.检讨一下,确实有好几年没有清理积炭了,没料到会累积到这么严重的程度。

4.Synthetic vessels made of Teflon exist, but they are prone to infection and blockage by blood clots, and tend to work for only a few months.现已存在聚四氟乙烯制成的人造血管,但它们很容易感染和形成血栓,且往往只能起几个月的作用。

5.That seems to be what happened last night when there was a relatively small blockage.这似乎就是昨晚发生的情况,当时被屏蔽程度相对较低;

6.Overflow incontinence is often caused by a blockage or obstruction to your bladder.溢出性尿失禁往往造成的阻塞或阻碍你的膀胱。

7.Transcription might also act as a DNA-damage dosimeter where the severity of blockage determines whether or not to induce cell death.转录还可以作为DNA损伤剂量在堵塞的严重程度确定是否诱导细胞死亡。因此,可以转录是一个潜在的治疗靶点的抗癌战略?

8.should be installed in the burr, clean and remove the stolen goods, do not make it into the pipe to prevent blockage of the trachea.安装时应将毛刺、赃物去除干净,不要使其流入管道,以免堵塞气管。

9.Over time, the buildup of plaque deposits can rupture and cause total blockage of the blood flow to the heart.久而久之,血小板沉积物逐渐积累,会导致流往心脏的血液完全阻塞。

10.At the dock Iwim shocked to see the pocket rocket made of a blockage of rock.在码头看到一块岩石做的玲珑火箭and我感到震恐。