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un.1.city in northeastern Kansas, a southwestern suburb of Kansas City.

1.梅里亚姆 Meridian- 默里迪恩 Merriam- 梅里厄姆 Merrillville- 梅里尔维尔 ...

5.梅里阿姆 ... Lisbon, 葡萄牙 Merriam, 美国 Uetliburg b. Gommiswald, 瑞士 ...

8.梅利亚姆人类学家梅利亚姆Merriam)在其著名的《音乐人类学》(Anthropology of Music)一书中这样论述到,如果说音乐允许情感 …


1.But often these rules don't bear up under scrutiny; Merriam-Webster tends to cite great writers who break this or that "rule" .然而很多时候这些规则细看之下便不再撑得住了。梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特倾向于去引用那些打破了这条或那条“规则”的伟大作家。

2.Merriam - Webster prepared the company since 2003 Top Ten hot words, these words usually reflect the current hot issues of social concern.梅里厄姆-韦伯斯特公司自2003年开始编制年度十大热词,这些词通常能反映出当年社会关注的热点问题。

3.Merriam Webster is even more strange in tracing its etymology to a French word for a flat round cake.但韦氏大词典更为奇怪,它将galoshes的词源追溯到一个意为“平圆蛋糕”的法语单词上了。

4.MERRIAM, Kan. -- Americans have been warned to watch out for trans fats because of the strong link to heart disease.美国人已经被告知需提防反型脂肪,因之与心脏疾病有密切联系。

5.The excellent "Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage" is uncharacteristically silent on the subject.优秀的“《韦氏词典》的英语用法”对这个主题却无任何标记。

6.We just came across Wordnik, a very cool alternative to traditional dictionary sites like Dictionary. com or Merriam-Webster's web site.我们发现一款另类的词典网站Wordnik,它与传统的词典网站(如Dictionary网址被屏蔽和Merriam-Webster)有很大的不同。

7.Since Merriam-Webster first published its Collegiate Dictionary in 1898, at least 100, 000 words have been added.自从1898年《韦氏词典》初版以来,至少已经增加了十万个词语。

8.A quick look in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary provides four different definitions of virtualization's root word, virtual.快速浏览Merriam-Webster在线词典中虚拟化词根virtual的4个不同定义。

9.The editors of the Merriam-Webster dictionary would like you to know that "cougar" doesn't just refer to an animal.韦氏字典的编辑要告诉你“cougar”(美洲狮)不仅仅是一种动物,也能用来形容那些想要吃嫩草的中年女人。

10.The best usage book in this spirit is Merriam-Webster's "Dictionary of English Usage" .对于这种气质的人来说,最好的工具书就是梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特的《英语用法词典》。