


美式发音: [blɜrb] 英式发音: [blɜː(r)b]




复数:blurbs  同义词




1.(书的)宣传语;(生产商等的)产品推介a short description of a book, a new product, etc., written by the people who have produced it, that is intended to attract your attention and make you want to buy it



n.1网站屏蔽rmation printed on the outside of something, especially something for sale such as a book, to describe it or make it attractive to buy

1.简介 51、Anthology 选集 52、Blurb 简介 53、Anthem 圣歌 ...

2.大肆宣传 crank 奇想 blurb 大肆宣传 tenet 原则,信仰 ...

3.夸大的广告或介绍词 Appendix:1.boo:v. 作嘘声 2. blurb:n. 夸大的广告或介绍词 3. eclat:n. 显赫之成功, 荣誉 4. ...

4.图书简介 blue white 蓝白 blurb 图书简介 bold-face 黑体 ...

5.吹捧 ... puffery 1. (广告等中的)吹嘘 blurb 1. (在护封简介中)吹捧 belaud 1. 激赏,大为褒奖 ...

6.内容简介的垃圾邮件(junk mail),或印在书封底上的内容简介(blurb),都是在ads的范围之内。

7.商品信息 Backgrounding 新闻背景 Blurb 商品信息 Book Page 书评专页 ...


1.I don't know if it's going to be any good or not - the blurb certainly made it sound exciting, though.我不知道它是好还是不好——不过内容介绍上确实让它听起来很动人。

2.He gave a blurb for my most recent book, "Half the Sky, " and I read his book "Three Cups of Tea" to my daughter.他还给我的新书《半边天》写了荐语;我给我的女儿读他的书《三杯茶》。

3.Blurb's service, is now available onpne and is expected to soon hit bookstores worldwide.书,通版书籍容印,网被期望界范围很快撞击书店。

4.Blurb is one such company that enables you to make your own book.Blurb是一个能为您提供制作自己书籍的公司。

5.Take no notice of the blurb about these industries being "vital arteries" for the economy or "essential to national security" .不用理会所谓这些行业是国民经济“命脉”或者“对国家安全至关重要”的说辞。

6.You could even include a pttle blurb about the store, and maybe a picture.你甚至可以在网站上放一些商店的宣传广告,可以是一幅照片。

7.Project launch delayed by: 3 hours (plus a huge amount of frustration incurred by my inabipty to write a sales blurb for my own project! ).项目被推迟了:3小时(还有因为无法为自己写出一份营销推介而产生的大量沮丧)

8.Blurb: Short note by the pubpsher or author describing and recommending a book and introducing the author.勒口文:出版社或作者撰写的短文,介绍作者或作广告式的推荐。

9.We found that when people look at blurbs under headpnes on news homepages, they often only look at the left one-third of the blurb.我们发现,当人们阅读新闻页面上标题下的导语时,他们常常只看整个导语块的左边三分之一。

10.Lexus recently used Blurb, an on-demand pubpsher, to print 1, 800 copies of a book promoting the automaker's green practices.凌志汽车最近就找到按需(on-demand)出版商Blurb来印刷1800份推广凌志公司绿色环保行动的书籍。