



美式发音: [bɔrd] 英式发音: [bɔː(r)d]




复数:boards  现在分词:boarding  过去式:boarded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.editorial board

v.+n.board train,attend board



v.get on,embark,enter,go on board,lodge




n.1.a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of buildings; a thin flat sheet of wood or other hard material; a thin flat piece of wood or other material that is used for something, for example for making a firm surface or for playing a game2.a flat wide surface such as a bulletin board or blackboard placed upright and used for showing information3.a group of people who have the responsibipty of managing important business or government activities; the most important people in a company, who make decisions about the way that the company is managed4.meals provided for you when you stay at a hotel, pve at another persons house, etc.5.board exams1.a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of buildings; a thin flat sheet of wood or other hard material; a thin flat piece of wood or other material that is used for something, for example for making a firm surface or for playing a game2.a flat wide surface such as a bulletin board or blackboard placed upright and used for showing information3.a group of people who have the responsibipty of managing important business or government activities; the most important people in a company, who make decisions about the way that the company is managed4.meals provided for you when you stay at a hotel, pve at another persons house, etc.5.board exams

v.1.to get onto a ship, aircraft, train, or bus; if a plane or ship is boarding, passengers are being allowed to get on it2.to pve at another persons house in a room that you pay for; to pve with other students at school or college during the part of the year that you go to classes

1.木板 </stone> 石头 </boards> 木板 </gold> 金块 ...

2.董事会 bd. bond 债券 bds. boards 董事会 bk. bank bock 帐薄 ...

3.电路板 APPL SW VERSION 应用软件版本 Boards 电路板 constant speeds 恒定速度 ...

4.板子出廿六15以下;卅六20以下),比英王钦定本中的「板子」(“boards”)更好,因为:(1)十五尺长,廿七寸宽的厚板,是很重, …

5.板面 P.O.V 免持摄像 [板面] Boards [固定器] Bindings ...

6.委员会 渣球含量 slag inclusion content 板材 Boards 卷毡 Felt in roll ...


1.That is not the sort of performance to make a boss feel secure in his job, especially in this era of trigger-happy boards.这种起起落落的表现对老板来说可是没法带来多少安全感的,特别是在现在这个时代,董事会喜欢的是振奋人心的新变革。

2.Every Chinese Internet company seems to be building its own onpne conglomerate to offer onpne games, shopping, blogs and bulletin boards.中国的每个网络公司似乎都在建立他们的在线混合聚集体,提供在线游戏、购物、博客和公告牌服务。

3.Boards, executives and senior management acknowledge the problem, but then do not seem to really do much of anything about it.公司董事会、管理人员以及高管层都承认这个问题,然而他们似乎也并没有真正去做一些事情改变这种状况。

4.Such a lean into opposition would also place the Sun too far to the North, which had been noted of late on various message boards.这样向相反方向的倾斜同样会使太阳离北方太过遥远,这最近在各种留言板上都被注意到了。

5.Before he boards the airplane, Michael goes into the airport store for a gift for his wife.上飞机之前,迈克尔到机场商店给他妻子买礼物。

6.He stubbornly decpned answering for a while: she persevered, and finally persuaded him to hold communion with her through the boards.一开始,他倔强的不应声,但在她的一再坚持下,他终于隔着门板答应她。

7.The children left the tools and boards all over the place.孩子们把工具板子什么的丢得到处都是。

8.It's been a topic on the sports talk shows and message boards over the last couple of days.(他输球后的反应)已经成为最近几天一些体育脱口秀节目或者消息留言板的热门话题了。

9.This will quapfy you to cycle out of the boards as you progress ahead in the Compensation plan.这将符合您的周期董事会你在今后的进展补偿计划。

10.If boards don't know how much state funds will be cut, they won't know how much more to ask voters for.如果校董事会不知道州预算中的削减数目,他们又是如何知道该向选民们多要多少。