



美式发音: [rɪˈmaɪnd] 英式发音: [rɪ'maɪnd]

v.提醒 (of; that; how)


第三人称单数:reminds  现在分词:reminding  过去式:reminded  同义词

v.ring a bell,repeat,retell,prompt,recap


v.1.使想起,使记起,提醒 (of; that; how)

v.1.to tell someone again about an event from the past or about a fact that they used to know2.to help someone to remember something that they have to do

1.提醒 b、carry on 继续,进行 c、reminded 提醒,使记起 a、other than 除了,不同于 ...

2.使想起 4.hoped 是希望 2.reminded 是使..回忆,使..想起 3.allowed 是允许 ...

3.提点 ... )gotten“ 获得”。 )reminded使回忆起……,提醒……”。 )regained“ 重新得到”,符合句意,为 …

5.来诊提醒 治疗对比 · ZHILIAO DUIBI 来诊提醒 · REMINDED 就医指南 · GUIDE ...

6.提醒了行双边会谈,希望奥朗德在撤军这点上有点弹性,但是无功而返。奥朗德会谈后说:我提醒了(reminded)奥巴马总统,我已经 …

7.使记起 b、carry on 继续,进行 c、reminded 提醒,使记起 a、other than 除了,不同于 ...

8.使某人想起某事 ... 4、surprised“ 吃惊的,惊奇的”,形容 2、reminded使某人想起某事”。 3、indeed“ 实际上,确 …


1.She dried her eyes, reminded that her distress must not be betrayed to her husband.她擦干眼泪,提醒自己,绝对不能让丈夫发现她的悲伤情绪。

2.We spent a few days just exploring Ispngton and it reminded me a pttle bit of the the West Village in NYC.我们花了几天的时间探测伊斯灵顿,它让我想起一些处于纽约市的西部村庄。

3.I look at him and I am reminded of an acquaintance who used to chat up girls half his age in a flashy Chelsea bar I once owned.看到他,我就想起了一个熟人:这人常在我以前开的一家灯红酒绿的切尔西酒吧内勾搭比他小一半的女孩。

4.She praised his years of hard work and, typically, reminded him to use his education to help others.她赞扬了他多年的刻苦努力,还特别提醒他要把所学的知识用来帮助他人。

5.Outside, Ms. Spencer reminded him that there was one more promotional duty for the night.在门口她提醒他晚上还有一个宣传活动。

6.It is a bad memory that turned into a good one as it reminded us of how precious pttle Rowan is to us.这个糟糕的记忆之所以变得美好是因为它提醒了我,小罗温对我们来说是如此珍贵。

7.with you and want to be with you. " Greg reminded us that we were all beautiful, smart" .花数小时知识希望他所要传达的只是“我爱上了你并想和你在一起。”

8.A few months ago, reading the business pages reminded me of that show Survivor.几个月以前,阅读财经资料会让我联想到《生还者》这个节目。

9.The girl smiled in a way that reminded Jon so much of his pttle sister that it almost broke his heart.女孩的微笑像极了他的小妹,想起小妹,他心都要碎了。

10.himself had lost all his hair, and to see others without hair reminded him of it and prevented him from enjoying the party.王子的头发也全谢了,看到其他人没头发会让他想到这一事实,无法充分享受宴会的乐趣。