


美式发音: [ɪˈmerɪtəs] 英式发音: [ɪ'merɪtəs]







1.(常指大学教师)退休后保留头衔的,荣誉退休的used with a title to show that a person, usually a university teacher, keeps the title as an honour, although he or she has stopped working

the Emeritus Professor of Biology荣誉退休的生物学教授



adj.1网站屏蔽ed in the title of someone such as a professor, chairman, or president if they no longer do that job

1.退休的 engaged 忙碌的, 使用中的 emeritus 名誉退休的, 退休的 emersed 伸出水面的 ...

2.名誉退休的 engaged 忙碌的, 使用中的 emeritus 名誉退休的, 退休的 emersed 伸出水面的 ...

3.荣誉教授 5.kindergarten adj. 幼儿园的 6.emeritus adj. 荣誉退职的 7.indispensable adj. 必需的 ...

5.荣休 electromagnetic fields 电磁场 emeritus 荣誉退休的 epidemiology 流行病学 ...


1.Enter Peter Sturrock, Stanford professor emeritus of appped physics and an expert on the inner workings of the sun.斯坦福大学应用物理系荣誉退休教授、太阳内部活动机制专家PeterSturrock也加入到了研究中来。

2.Leonard Lauder is now chairman emeritus of the company.她的丈夫伦纳德.兰戴现任公司名誉主席。

3.Leonard is chairman emeritus of the Whitney Museum of American Art to which his art foundation donated $131 milpon in 2008.伦纳德是纽约惠特尼艺术博物馆(WhitneyMuseumofAmericanArt)的名誉董事长,他的艺术基金会在2008年向该博物馆捐赠了1.31亿美元。

4.The author is an emeritus professor at Lancaster University and a senior adviser to the Tax Justice Network.本文作者为兰卡斯特大学(LancasterUniversity)名誉教授、“税收正义网”高级顾问

5."There's a shady side and a sunny side, " said Joshua O. Haberman, rabbi emeritus of Washington Hebrew Congregation in Washington, D. C.华盛顿希伯来人教会的名誉拉比JoshuaO.Haberman如是描述老年:“有阴暗的一面,也有灿烂的一面。”

6.The young couple married in 1959. Leonard Lauder is now chairman emeritus of the company. Estee Lauder died in 2004 at 97.她与丈夫1959年结婚。她的丈夫伦纳德.兰戴现任公司名誉主席。雅诗.兰戴于2004年去世,享年97岁。

7.Fritz Stern, University Professor Emeritus at Columbia University, is an historian of modern Europe, particularly Germany.弗里茨·斯特恩(FritzStern)是哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)荣誉教授,是现代欧洲史、特别是德国史史学家,获得过多项国际荣誉和奖励。

8.But Hugh Hendrie, an emeritus psychology professor at Indiana University School of Medicine, is not convinced by the paper's conclusions.不过,印第安纳大学医学院的心理学名誉教授休•亨德里(HughHendrie)对这篇论文的结论并不以为然。

9.Charles Perrow, emeritus professor of sociology, Yale University, is the author of The Next Catastrophe.本文作者CharlesPerrow是耶鲁大学社会学名誉教授,《下一场灾难》(TheNextCatastrophe)一书的作者。

10.Harry G. Frankfurt, 76, is a moral philosopher of international reputation and a professor emeritus at Princeton.76岁的哈里·G.法兰克福是一位有着国际声誉的道德哲学家和普林斯顿大学的名誉教授。