


美式发音: [ˈstɜrdi] 英式发音: [ˈstɜː(r)di]




比较级:sturdier  最高级:sturdiest  同义词反义词





1.结实的;坚固的strong and not easily damaged

a sturdy pair of boots一双结实的靴子

a sturdy table结实的桌子

2.强壮的;健壮的physically strong and healthy

a man of sturdy build体格健壮的男人

sturdy legs强壮有力的腿

a sturdy breed of cattle一种体格强壮的牛

3.坚决的;坚定的;顽强的not easily influenced or changed by other people

The village has always maintained a sturdy independence.这个村子始终顽强地保持着独立。



adj.1.strong and not easily hurt, damaged, or affected by what happens

1.强健的 stuffy adj. (空气)不新鲜的,闷气的 sturdy adj. 强健的,健全的 subdivide vt. 把…再分 ...

2.结实的 feeble 虚弱的 sturdy 结实的,茁壮的 antidote 解药 ...

3.坚定的 stupor v. 昏迷;不省人事 sturdy a. 坚定的;牢固的; 强健的;茁壮的 subconscious a. 下意识的;潜意识的 ...

4.坚固的 cozy:adj. 舒适的,安逸的,惬意的 sturdy:adj. 坚固的,耐用的 typify:v. 代表,作为……的典型 59 ...

5.侧重于结实的体格 robust〓 强调身体强健。 sturdy侧重于结实的体格。 range〓 形成的山脉 …

6.坚强的 103.狂野的 Rough 104.坚强的 Sturdy 105.粗野的 Rustic ...


1.This has been a very sturdy myth, even though there's not bit of truth to this story.这是一段众人据知的奇文,虽然没有任何证据去证明这个故事。

2.The best place to be in a tornado is in a basement or interior room of the lowest floor of a sturdy building.龙卷风发生时,最安全的地方是地下室或牢固建筑的低层室内。

3.Please put her in a nice sturdy box with her journal and bag and send her to Sac City State Bank, Attention: Caretaker of Carmen Bear.请把她和她的不雅光日记放在一个英俊的,结识的盒子里,包装起来,然后寄往Sac市的州际银行。

4.all of a sudden the sharp orders stunned us. Four sturdy men wearing top coats surrounded us. It was o'clock in the morning the next day.一声严厉的命令从天而降震耳欲聋四位身穿风衣的彪形大汉把我们团团围住这时已是第二天凌晨三点了。

5.First of all, I have to claim that the rotor head must be sturdy enough to withstand any vibration or it could be very dangerous.首先,我要声称转子头部必须坚固足以抵御任何振动或它可以是非常危险的。

6.Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercipous manner.现在他是三十多岁的人了,时体健壮,头发稻草色,嘴边略带狠相,举止高傲。

7.With sturdy hands and a strong cord, she sewed them together into a quilt, a thing of beauty and power and culture.祖母勤劳的手拿起针线把它们缝在一起,做成一条被子,美感、力量和文化的象征。

8.A quapty blade, a sturdy handle and a strong intersection of the two are all important points in both a folding and fixed blade knife.一把好刀,无论是折刀还是固定柄刀来说坚固的手柄和结合处都是很重要的两点。

9.Titanium and stainless steel are best, though the latter tends to be a bit springy and can feel less sturdy.钛和不锈钢是最好的,尽管后者稍微有些弹性,并且坚固性也差些。

10.Occasionally she visited him in jail. He always seemed surprised that his "pttle schoolgirl" had become a sturdy member of the proletariat.偶尔李玉琴也会去监狱探望溥仪,这时的溥仪惊奇地发现曾经的“小女生”已经转变成一个坚定的无产阶级战士。