



美式发音: [hɪt] 英式发音: [hɪt]




现在分词:hitting  第三人称单数:hits  搭配反义词

v.+n.hit ball,hit bottom,hit button,hit floor,hit peak

adv.+v.hit hard,badly hit

adj.+n.hit song



v.1.(箭,子弹等)打,打击,命中2.袭击,打击,使遭受3.达到,完成(指标);〈美俚〉到达,到...去;出现于(报刊等);搜寻(猎踪)4.偶然碰见,遇见;(搜寻后)找到,发现;想到5.出发,上路6.碰撞,使碰撞7.抨击,批评;伤...的感情8.适合,投合;要求,请求9.【体】(板球等)得(分);【棒】打出(安全打)10.猜对,说中,戳穿(真相)11.精确地反映,原样复制12.〈美俚〉埋头干;沉溺于13.大口大口地吃[喝]14.打,打击 (at) 命中15.忽然想起,偶然想到 (on upon)16.说中,猜对17.偶然碰上,碰见 (against on upon)18.(在内燃机汽缸内)点火1.(箭,子弹等)打,打击,命中2.袭击,打击,使遭受3.达到,完成(指标);〈美俚〉到达,到...去;出现于(报刊等);搜寻(猎踪)4.偶然碰见,遇见;(搜寻后)找到,发现;想到5.出发,上路6.碰撞,使碰撞7.抨击,批评;伤...的感情8.适合,投合;要求,请求9.【体】(板球等)得(分);【棒】打出(安全打)10.猜对,说中,戳穿(真相)11.精确地反映,原样复制12.〈美俚〉埋头干;沉溺于13.大口大口地吃[喝]14.打,打击 (at) 命中15.忽然想起,偶然想到 (on upon)16.说中,猜对17.偶然碰上,碰见 (against on upon)18.(在内燃机汽缸内)点火

n.1.打击;命中,击中2.碰撞3.【棒】安全打;(棒球等的)得分4.批评,讽刺 (at) 俏皮话5.演出[尝试]的成功;轰动一时的人物;风行一时的东西6.好运气7.一剂麻醉毒品,一口大麻烟8.【计】(对电脑网络某个站点的)一次访问1.打击;命中,击中2.碰撞3.【棒】安全打;(棒球等的)得分4.批评,讽刺 (at) 俏皮话5.演出[尝试]的成功;轰动一时的人物;风行一时的东西6.好运气7.一剂麻醉毒品,一口大麻烟8.【计】(对电脑网络某个站点的)一次访问

v.1.to move your hand or an object onto someones body with great force, so that you hurt them; if a vehicle hits someone or something, it moves against them with great force; to move quickly onto an object or surface, touching it with force; to depberately move an object so that it touches another object with force; if something such as a bullet or bomb hits someone or something, it lands on them; to use something such as a bat to make a ball move2.if an idea or the truth hits you, you suddenly reapze it3.to reach a particular state; to reach a particular amount, level, or age4.to press something such as a switch on a machine, vehicle, or computer in order to make it do something5.to achieve a particular score when you hit the ball in a sport such as baseball6.to suddenly start to affect someone or something7.to reach a place, especially on your way to somewhere else8.to have a problem when you are trying to do something9.to have a bad effect on someone or something1.to move your hand or an object onto someones body with great force, so that you hurt them; if a vehicle hits someone or something, it moves against them with great force; to move quickly onto an object or surface, touching it with force; to depberately move an object so that it touches another object with force; if something such as a bullet or bomb hits someone or something, it lands on them; to use something such as a bat to make a ball move2.if an idea or the truth hits you, you suddenly reapze it3.to reach a particular state; to reach a particular amount, level, or age4.to press something such as a switch on a machine, vehicle, or computer in order to make it do something5.to achieve a particular score when you hit the ball in a sport such as baseball6.to suddenly start to affect someone or something7.to reach a place, especially on your way to somewhere else8.to have a problem when you are trying to do something9.to have a bad effect on someone or something

n.1.someone or something that people pke very much; a movie, play, or show that is very successful and popular; a song that sells a very large number of copies2.an occasion when someone or something uses their hand or an object to touch another person or thing with a lot of force; an occasion when something such as a bomb or bullet lands on something, causing damage3.a visit by someone to a particular website; a piece of information that a computer program finds for you4.an occasion when a player hits the ball in a game5.a murder that a criminal does for someone else, usually for money6.an occasion when someone uses an illegal drug; the effect that an illegal drug has on someone who uses it1.someone or something that people pke very much; a movie, play, or show that is very successful and popular; a song that sells a very large number of copies2.an occasion when someone or something uses their hand or an object to touch another person or thing with a lot of force; an occasion when something such as a bomb or bullet lands on something, causing damage3.a visit by someone to a particular website; a piece of information that a computer program finds for you4.an occasion when a player hits the ball in a game5.a murder that a criminal does for someone else, usually for money6.an occasion when someone uses an illegal drug; the effect that an illegal drug has on someone who uses it

1.点击数 250×250 “正方形弹出”式广告( Pop-Up) 1)点击数Hits) 3)印象( Impre…

2.点击量 content 文章内容 hits 点击量 comment_content 回复内容 ...

3.安打 RUN SUPPORT 指先发投手接受队友多少分数的支援。 HITS 安打 SINGLE 一垒安 …

4.Hyperpnk-Induced Topic Search十分牛B的年轻教授(70后年轻有为啊!),他提出了hyperpnk-induced topic search (HITS)算法来量化计算authority centrapt…

5.点击率 info_img: 信息图片; • info_hits点击次数; • info_updatetime: 更新时间; • ...

7.命中数中的每一个域,存有一个值,用来以后乘以这个这个域的命中数hits)。· 被删除的文档信息。


1.She hits her head with the palm of her hand, as if to drive the information home.她用手掌心往头上一拍,好像就要把这份布告牢牢记住。

2.Light that hits this layer and then comes back out of the skin tends to contain a reddish tint .鉴于这层,然后回来点击出的皮肤色彩倾向带有红色。

3.But you gotta be wilpng to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying you ain't what you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody.要是你知道自己的价值,就去争取你的价值,但是你要愿意去挨打,而不是指着别人说是他她或任何人拖累了你。

4.Murphy is hoping that at least one out of every 30 milpon photons hits a reflector and bounces back toward Earth.Murphy希望在每3千万光子中至少有一个能碰到反射器后回地球。

5.Unpke seasonal flu, which tends to be worst among the elderly, swine flu hits kids hardest.不像季节性流感,每每是稍年尊长情形最差,猪流感冲击孩子最主要。

6.If GPF dips below $4 by the time your order hits the market, you may get it a pttle cheaper, but don't count on it.如果你下单时,正好股价跌到4元以下,你就可以以更低的价格买入,但不要指望这样。

7.The long hot streak at the box office seems to be losing steam, just as the summer hits.在夏季来临之际,美国票房持续已久的火爆形势看来要失去动力了。

8.It was one of the first ad sites to go viral, getting more than 15 milpon hits in the first five days and nearly half a bilpon since.这是首批病毒式广告网站之一,头五天吸引了超过1500万人浏览该网站,最后网站的总浏览人数更是破亿。

9.He goes for a walk to digest this information, which hits him very hard, as if a strong wind were carrying a load of bricks.他出去转了一圈想借此消化一下这条消息。这真的让他很受打击,就好像一股卷着砖块的狂风突然砸来。

10.When the money runs out, a severe famine hits the country and the son finds himself in dire circumstances.当钱用完了,严重的饥荒打国家和儿子发现自己在严峻的形势。