


美式发音: [ˈdʒepərˌdaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈdʒepə(r)daɪz]



第三人称单数:jeopardizes  现在分词:jeopardizing  过去式:jeopardized  搭配同义词

v.+n.jeopardize safety,jeopardize relationship

v.risk,endanger,lay on the pne,expose,threaten



1.~ sth/sb冒…的危险;危及;危害;损害to risk harming or destroying sth/sb

He would never do anything to jeopardize his career.他决不会做任何有损于他事业的事。


v.1.to risk damaging or destroying something important

1.危害 villa n. 别墅, <英>城郊小屋 jeopardize v. 危害 convert n. 皈依者 ...

2.危及 jeopardise v. 使受危险, 危及 jeopardize vt. 使处于危险之中,危及,危害 jerk vt. 猛地一拉 ...

3.损害 affectation:n. 做作,假装 jeopardize:v. 危及,损害 mimicry:n. 模仿,模拟 ...

4.危及,损坏 jealous 嫉妒的 613. jeopardize 危及,损坏 614. jerk 猛拉,颠簸而行 615. ...

5.使受危险 jealousy n. 妒忌;猜忌 jeopardize v. 使受危险;危害 jolly a. 高兴的;快活的;令 …

6.破坏 bureaucracy 官僚主义 jeopardize 破坏 Jerusalem 耶路撒冷 ...

7.影响 ... jaw:n. 颚, 颌, 下巴, 钳口, 说教 jeopardize:vt. 危及, 使处于危险境地, 影响 jewelry:n. 珠宝, 珠宝类 ...

8.使陷入险境 ... ideal【 理想的】 jeopardize使陷入险境】 keen【 敏锐的】 ...


1.There's a real danger that you will jeopardize your own relationship with the person you are trying to help.你可能会破坏自己与这个你试图帮助的人之间的关系,这种危险是确实存在的。

2.'We'd rather sacrifice growth than do anything that would jeopardize our customers' interests, much less be a part of any blatant fraud.我们宁愿没有增长,也决不能做损害客户利益的事,更不用提公然的欺骗。

3.She told him not to jeopardize his future for nothing -- that she had already lost her job.她希望巴拉拉不要为了无所谓的事情,拿自己的未来冒险,因为当时她已经丢掉了饭碗。

4.No matter how one looks at it, it is difficult to imagine how such an act would not severely jeopardize the security of the Iranian regime.这样的举动很不明智。不论我们怎样看待这场密谋,都很难想象这样的举动怎能使伊朗政权的安危免于重创。

5.No challenge anywhere can be allowed to jeopardize the goal of permanently improving the world by driving out a truly awful disease.任何地方的任何挑战都不得危及我们的目标,这就是消灭一种非常可怕的疾病,使世界得到永久改善。

6.It's a problem big enough to jeopardize the recovery that the economy seems to be building.在重建经济的当口,这个问题大到足以对复苏造成危害了。

7.The central bank said the rumors could affect the normal circulation of the Renminbi and jeopardize financial security.央行强调说,这种谣言会影响人民币的正常流通,危害金融秩序。

8.However, if a poptically-minded managing director decided to cut the interest rate , it could jeopardize the bank's solvency .如果一位政治倾向浓重的常务董事做出降低利率的决定,这可能会危及银行的支付能力。上面的情况真的有可能会出现。

9.Do what you can but don't jeopardize your health trying to please everyone.做你能做的但是别试图为了使每个人满意而危害你自己的健康。

10.However, the strategy may be perilous, because huge costs to build its own programs could jeopardize the company's financial status.但是这种战略可能充满风险,因为拍摄属于自己的电视节目的巨大成本可能会损害公司的财务状况。