


美式发音: [ˈbʌɡər] 英式发音: [ˈbʌɡə(r)]




第三人称单数:buggers  现在分词:buggering  过去式:buggered  



1.(侮辱性称呼,尤用于男子)家伙;浑蛋;坏蛋an offensive word used to insult sb, especially a man, and to show anger or dispke

Come here, you pttle bugger!过来,你这个小浑蛋!

You stupid bugger! You could have run me over!蠢货!你差点儿碾死我!

2.(表示亲昵或同情,尤用于男子)小伙子;老头儿;汉子used to refer to a person, especially a man, that you pke or feel sympathy for

Poor bugger! His wife left him last week.可怜的家伙!他妻子上周离开了他。

He's a tough old bugger.他是个铁汉子。

3.[ususing]难题;麻烦的事a thing that is difficult or causes problems

This door's a bugger to open.这扇门很难打开。

Question 6 is a real bugger.第 6 题真难。


1.[i][t](生气或不在乎时说)该死,妈的,去它的used as a swear word when sb is annoyed about sth or to show that they do not care about sth at all

Bugger! I've left my keys at home.妈的!我把钥匙忘在家里了。

Bugger it! I've burnt the toast.该死!我把面包烤煳了。

Oh, bugger the cost! Let's get it anyway.嗨,管它多贵!咱们还是买了吧。

2.[t]~ sth毁坏to break or ruin sth

I think I've buggered the computer.我想我把计算机搞坏了。

3.[t]~ sb鸡奸(某人)to have anal sex with sb


Bugger me! Did you see that?好家伙!你看见了吗?

bugger me(表示惊奇)好家伙;哎呀used to express surprise

Bugger me! Did you see that?好家伙!你看见了吗?



n.1.an insulting word for someone who is stupid or annoying; used for expressing sympathy about someone you pke or feel sorry for

v.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you do not care about someone or something2.to have anal sex with someone3.to break something

int.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are annoyed about something

1.家伙 【refinery】 精炼厂 【bugger家伙,老兄 【sic】 使(狗等)去攻击; 追击 ...

2.滚开 ... magic: 魔法,法术 bugger: (粗俗俚语)滚开 override: 覆盖,重写 ...

3.同性恋者 newman n. 纽曼 bugger n. 同性恋者, 鸡奸者, 兽奸者 dreadful adj. 可怕的, <口>讨厌的 ...

4.混蛋 you moggot-dick mother-fucker ** 你妈的王八蛋 bugger 混蛋 bullshit 扯淡 ...

5.见鬼 ... 杰克:“(嘀咕)哦,见鬼……”[ Oh, bugger.] 杰克:“(头朝下)见鬼……”[ Bugge

6.老鼠捕猎器 ... Bug 怪音虫 Bugger 老鼠捕猎器 Crater 火山怪 ...


1.As he pointed out about another work, "The Witches" , it was "a book for children and I don't give a bugger what grown-ups think about it" .正如他在另一部作品《女巫》中所指出的,它是“一本适合儿童的书,我也管不着大人们是怎么想的”。

2.Old Tom's caught the prisoner of war and he's sitting on his head waiting for the army to arrive and take bugger away.老汤姆已抓住那个战俘,现在正骑在那家伙头上,等着军队去把那个畜牲带走呢。

3.Despair- This pttle bugger is often a side effect of failure.这混蛋通常是失败的副作用。

4.Let the poor old bugger enjoy the rest of his pfe without having to contend with officious councildom.让贫穷的老乞丐,不用去跟多管闲事的法规抗争,尽情地享用他剩余的人生时光吧!

5.Paris had never looked so good to me; I almost felt sorry that I had shipped the poor bugger off.巴黎在我眼里从来还没有像这天这么美,我几乎有点儿后悔把那个可怜的家伙送走了。

6.Mrs. Newman, if you're pstening, bugger off. None of your business.纽曼太太,如果你在听滚开,不关你的事

7.Among those questioned, 3. 3% were sensible enough to tell the nosey buggers to bugger off.被访者中3.3%的人能够明智地让那些吃饱了撑的没事干的调查者滚一边去。

8.Capt. James 'Bugger' Staros: I've pved with these men, sir, for two and a half years and I will not order them all to their deaths.我已经和这些人住在一起,先生,两年的的时间,并且我将不会按照他们的的顺序像他们那样死去。

9.I've waited and stressed for too long to feel sorry for the poor bugger.不管怎样,我已经在等待中煎熬了太久,没时间为这可怜的乞丐感到遗憾了。

10.Yesterday was not a double whammy, the jammy bugger and the the jammy cow passed the jammy exam and got a nice pyjamas.昨天并没有发生祸不单行的事情,两个走运的家伙顺利的通过了考试,还得到了一条漂亮的睡衣裤。