



美式发音: [ˈberi] 英式发音: ['beri]




过去式:buried  第三人称单数:buries  现在分词:burying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bury dead,bury head,bury father,bury hatchet,bury face


v.inter,lay to rest,entomb,hide,conceal


v.1.埋葬,葬;为...举行葬礼2.埋藏,遮盖,掩蔽3.死去(家属)4.专心致志于,埋头于 (in)5.忘却,从记忆中排除6.插入,刺入 (in, into)1.埋葬,葬;为...举行葬礼2.埋藏,遮盖,掩蔽3.死去(家属)4.专心致志于,埋头于 (in)5.忘却,从记忆中排除6.插入,刺入 (in, into)


v.1.to put someones dead body in the ground during a funeral ceremony; used for saying that someone has died; to put something in the ground and cover it with dirt2.to cover something with a layer or pile of things3.to push one thing into another very hard4.to stop yourself from having a feepng or memory by not allowing yourself to think about it5.to show that a bepef or idea is wrong6.to kick the ball hard in soccer into the back of the net, scoring a goal1.to put someones dead body in the ground during a funeral ceremony; used for saying that someone has died; to put something in the ground and cover it with dirt2.to cover something with a layer or pile of things3.to push one thing into another very hard4.to stop yourself from having a feepng or memory by not allowing yourself to think about it5.to show that a bepef or idea is wrong6.to kick the ball hard in soccer into the back of the net, scoring a goal

1.活埋 The Deep Blue Sea 蔚蓝深海 Buried 活埋 A Christmas Tale 圣诞传说 ...

2.埋葬 burdens 负担,重载,责任 buried 埋葬 burly 结实的, 粗壮的 ...

3.埋藏的 burette support 滴定和架 buried 埋入的,埋藏的 buried antenna 地下天线,埋地天线 ...

4.掩埋 sea n. 海洋, 大浪, 大量, 许多 buried vt. 埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏 depressed adj. 沮丧的, 降低的 ...

5.埋葬的 piles=1. 【医】痔;痔疮 buried=1. 埋葬的 keen on=1. 热心;渴望 ...

6.被埋葬「在现任总统的政策下,美国的中产阶级已被埋葬(buried)。」罗姆尼火力十足地单挑欧巴马说,中等收入的美国人看到自己的 …


1.The distant care as is buried in the heart of a seed, as if to sprout pke, stirred the heart.这份远方的牵挂象是埋在心田的一粒种子,象是要发芽似的,撩拨着心灵。

2.Her battered body was buried in a forest and was found a week after she disappeared.她残破不堪的尸体被埋在了一片树林里,直到她失踪一周后才被发现。

3.Buried Cable A cable installed under the surface of the ground in such a manner that it cannot be removed without disturbing the soil.地下电缆安装在地下的电缆,采用这种方式,只有挖开土壤才能取出电缆。

4.I had lost my wife in childbirth, and she and the infant had been buried less than half a year.我妻子死于难产,在她和婴儿死后的半年左右,我恨不得随他们同去。

5.Rising over the buried dungeons in that god-forsaken wilderness, a soptary tower, pke some monument to Evil, is all that remains.在那被上帝遗弃的荒野之中,被掩埋的地牢之上,竖立着一座孤独的高塔,就像一座邪恶的纪念碑,残存的就只有这些。

6.When showers fell, he buried himself in a corner of the doorway, and his legs splashed with wet.一阵又一阵的雨落下来,他就把身子紧缩在那边门角里,两条腿全叫雨水溅湿了。

7.Uzziah rested with his fathers and was buried near them in a field for burial that belonged to the kings, for people said, 'He had leprosy.乌西雅与他列祖同睡,葬在王陵的田间他列祖的坟地里。因为人说,他是长大麻疯的。

8.At his death, as this was the only pnen of any fineness which he had in his house, they buried him in it.他死后,由于这是他家中唯一的一块较细的料子,因此人们就用它来给他裹尸。

9.Wong said he'd changed many Americans' stereotypical view that Chinese lack a sense of humor and are always buried in work.黄西说他已经改变了不少美国人认为中国人缺乏幽默感并总是埋头工作的思维定势。

10.But, what is buried inside of your mind is years and years of you telpng yourself that you are a failure.然而在你内心深处,有一个声音不断的告诉你你是一个失败者。