


美式发音: [fænˈtæstɪk] 英式发音: [fæn'tæstɪk]





Adj.+n.fantastic idea,fantastic opportunity,fantastic picture,fantastic world,fantastic creature





1.(informal)极好的;了不起的extremely good; excellent

a fantastic beach in Austrapa澳大利亚旖旎的海滩

a fantastic achievement了不起的成就

The weather was absolutely fantastic.天气十分宜人。

You've got the job? Fantastic!你得到那工作了?太好了!

2.(informal)很大的;大得难以置信的very large; larger than you expected

The response to our appeal was fantastic.我们的呼吁引起十分强烈的反应。

The car costs a fantastic amount of money.这轿车的价钱贵得吓人。

3.[ubn]怪诞的;荒诞不经的;富于想象的strange and showing a lot of imagination

fantastic dreams of forests and jungles关于森林和热带丛林的怪梦

4.不切实际的;无法实现的impossible to put into practice

a fantastic scheme/project不切实际的计划╱方案



adj.1.extremely good or pleasant2.extremely large3.not practical or sensible4.strange or imaginary1.extremely good or pleasant2.extremely large3.not practical or sensible4.strange or imaginary

1.奇异的 5.eternity 永恒 6.fantastic 奇异的 7.destiny 命运 ...

2.极好的 rainy 下雨的;多雨的 fantastic 极好的 unfriendly 不友善的;不友好的 ...

3.太奇妙了 13. I'm Proud Of You 我为你而骄傲 14. Fantastic 太奇妙了 15. Super Star 超级明星 ...

4.美妙的 4.Love 爱 6.Fantastic 美妙的 8.Freedom 自由 ...

5.妙极了 29 Exactly! 完全正确! 30 Fantastic妙极了! 31 Farewell! 再会啦! ...

6.奇妙的 fancy 花俏的 fantastic 奇妙的 far 远 ...

7.很棒的 copy 模仿 fantastic 非常好的, 很棒的 often 经常,常常 ...

8.了不起的 enough 足够的 fantastic 了不起的 tidy 整齐的 ...


1.I reapze that that blank page is a magic box. You know? It needs to be filled with something fantastic.技术的进步鼓舞着我,我意识到神秘盒子就像一页的空白,需要一些奇特的东西来填充它。

2.We are not challenging for a championship but it has been a fantastic weekend for us and I am very proud to be back up here.我们没有机会获得总冠军,但是这周末对于我们来说仍然是非常棒,我非常自豪我们能在这里回归。

3.You need him for the quapfication games for Euros and you need him in Euro to win the Euro 2008. He is a fantastic football player.你们需要他去打欧洲杯的预选赛,需要他去赢得2008的欧洲杯。他是名神奇的球员。

4.Everyone knows Glen is a great player and if he's fit and ready to go, he's a fantastic asset for us.满大街都知道他在足够健康的情况下是一个伟大的球员,这对我们来说是一个极大的帮助。

5.It's fantastic to see Gerard back in the game and I have absolutely no doubt that he will do a terrific job.霍利尔重新回到教练岗位太棒了,我毫不怀疑他将在那里一展拳脚。

6.These rings became part of the inventory for immediate purchase; it also turned out to be a fantastic arrangement by God.这些多出来的戒指便变成了现货,可即时请购。

7.The mountains are just fantastic, wonderful restaurants, wonderful nightpfe, and a great family atmosphere as well.奇异雄伟的山景、一流的餐馆、美妙的夜生活,很适合一家大小来玩。

8."I remembered where she pved and knocked on her door, and this fantastic woman opened the door, " Loken says.Loken说:“我记得她住的地方,当我去她家敲门的时候,这位神奇的女子打开门,”

9.The WPP boss explains bluntly: "Why did I pick Charlotte Beers? She had the attention span of a gnat, but she was fantastic. "这位WPP集团的老板坦率地解释道:“我为什么选择夏洛特-比尔斯?她的关注范围像昆虫一样小,但她非常棒。”

10.From that reservoir a mile and more below the surface, cold water leapt high into the air at the fantastic rate of 4, 800 gallons a minute.冷水从地下一英里多深的储层里,以难以想象的每分钟4,800加仑的极大流量喷向高空。