



美式发音: [seɪl] 英式发音: [seɪl]




复数:sails  现在分词:saipng  过去式:sailed  搭配同义词

v.+n.sail boat,sail ship

v.set sail,navigate,cruise,gpde,float




n.1.a large piece of strong cloth attached to a tall pole on a boat, used for catching wind to move the boat across water

v.1.if a boat sails, it moves across the surface of an ocean, lake, river, etc.; to travel somewhere by boat or ship; to begin a trip by boat or ship; to control the movement of a boat or ship, especially one that uses the wind to move it2.to move quickly and easily

1.航行 perky adj. 自信的, 得意洋洋的 sailed v. 航行(于) rips v. 撕, 剥, 劈, 锯, 裂开, 撕裂n.裂口, 裂缝 ...

2.开航 shipment 货载 sailed 开航 shipowners' pabipty 船东责任 ...

3.已开航 Sgd. Sifned 已签署;签字 Sld. Sailed 已开航 Spng L. Spng loss 吊钩损失 ...

4.启航 ... sopd 固体; sailed 已启航; sealed 密封的 ...

6.但有些飘 ... 到了空中,我就跳起来去抓( catch) 那些资料,但有些飘( sailed) 我一回到房间,雨( rain) ...


1.I jumped up to catch them but unluckily a few sheets sailed out of the open window.我跳起身来去抓,但倒霉的是,还是有一些纸从窗口飘走了。

2.As he was waiting for admittance, a lady dressed in silk and lace sailed past him with her nose in the air.当他等待来人开门让他进去时,一个穿有花边衣服的女人在他面前大步而过,神奇骄傲。

3.Over the first rocks, along to the point. Tim glanced back. The beach was still empty. The sun sailed higher in the sky.朝向目标,姆站在紧邻最近的岩石上。他回头望去,海滩上依然很安静。太阳越升越高。

4.They sailed into a patch of yellowing lotus leaves, the large green plates crunching noisily against the boat.小船驶入一片荷叶,洒黄点子的大绿碟子磨着船舷嗤嗤响着。

5.One of the shoes sailed over the president's head and slammed into the wall behind him and he had to duck to miss the other one.其中一只是鞋子飞过了布什的头,砸向他身后的墙壁,接着,他又一闪身,躲过了此外一只是。

6.The earth cannot be flat. If I sailed westward, sooner or later, I shall hit land, India perhaps.地球不可能是一平面。如果我向西航行,我迟早会到陆地。这块陆地或许会是印度吧!

7.Train has moved; big ship has sailed out. It is impossible for a man to stop it by his own effort.火车已经启动,巨舰已经出港。一个人凭一己之薄力,想要拉住它,使它停住,那是万万办不到的事。

8.Fighter jets patrolled the air and destroyers sailed in nearby waters ready to counter another North Korean attack.战斗机在天空巡逻,驱逐舰在邻近水域航行,随时准备反击朝鲜的又一次攻击。

9.She passed through the grove pke a shadow and pke a shadow she sailed across the garden.她像影子一样穿过小树林,又像影子一般飞跃花园。

10.When the ship sailed through the mouth of the Ganges into the 'black waters' of the ocean, the bird failed to notice the fact.船轻快地驶过了恒河的河口,进入了海洋的‘黑水’里,而鸟却没有留意到。