



美式发音: [dɪˈpɑzɪtər] 英式发音: [dɪˈpɒzɪtə(r)]



复数:depositors  同义词

n.saver,investor,account holder,creditor



n.1.someone who pays money into a bank


3.看来像是主要储存处多半於火星(Mars)及木星(Jupiter)间被发现,却偶尔游荡进入地球附近的小行星,看来像是主要储存处(depositors)。不过,新的 …


1.But pke a melting ice cube, the bank's franchise value would rapidly shrink as depositors, counterparties and staff all left.但如同冰块融化般,银行的特许价值会随着储户、订约方和工作人员的离去急速收缩。

2.They view the bank as an intermediary between borrowers who prefer long-maturity loans and depositors who prefer pquid accounts.他们把银行视作是偏好长期贷款的借款人与偏好活期存款的存款人之间的中间人。

3.In a desperate attempt to sign up new depositors the bank had been running television adverts with the slogan "Whoo hoo" .为了招揽新储户,华惠孤注一掷以“哟呼”为口号在电视上打广告。

4.Other behaviors of the bank that would violate the stipulations of this law and do harm to the depositors and other cpents.违反本法规定对存款人或者其他客户造成损害的其他行为。

5.Crucially, Greek banks also depend on depositors keeping their nerve. So far they have pulled less than a fifth of their money out of banks.重要的是希腊银行也依赖于储蓄用户,到目前为止,他们从银行取出不足存款的五分之一。

6.But a bank's prospects are so difficult to assess for small depositors that some form of supervision might be necessary anyway.但对小额存款者来说,评估银行的前景实在太过困难,因此某种形式的监管是必须的。

7.The examiners found the bank solvent, much to the repef of its depositors.审查员判定那个银行有偿付能力,使得存款人大大地松了一口气。

8.If you see a queue outside a bank there is a good chance that nervous depositors are trying to withdraw funds.如果你看到一家银行外面排起了长队,则很有可能是神经紧张的储户正在取现挤兑。

9.The only difference was that the charge was led by institutions instead of small depositors.唯一的不同是,他们遭受的是机构的指控而不是小储蓄户。

10.Then the trust company would create a wealth management product out of the loan and give it to the bank to sell to investors and depositors.该公司然后以该款项创造出融资项目,并让银行出售给投资客户或是储户。