

white silk

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1.洁白的熟绢 染[ dye] 洁白的熟绢[ white silk] 古代祭名。因古时于父母去世十三月时戴练冠祭于家庙而得名[ an ancient sacrificial name] ...

2.素绢 ... Perhaps it will rain in the afternoon. 下午大概会下雨。 White silk 素绢 White book 白皮书 ...

3.同本义 (1) 预先[ in advance] (2) 同本义[ white silk] (4) 用作写字的丝绸或纸张[ silk or paper for writing] ...

4.白丝布 ... TIFFANY 蒂凡尼 WHITE SILK 白丝布 LINEN 亚麻布 ...

5.白丝线 12.Eleven thousand km 一万一千公里 13.White silk 白丝线 14.One thing 一个人的事 ...

6.福建白麻 ... 蓝宝 Sino Sapphire 福建白麻 White Silk 徂徕灰 Jupa Grey ...

7.精致白纱 ... Outdoor scene 浪漫外景 White silk 精致白纱 Dress 极致礼服 ...


1.Upon having this thought, he found a white silk bag, caught as many firefpes as he could, and hung up this bag.于是,他去找了一只白绢口袋,随即抓了几十只萤火虫放在里面,再扎住袋口,把它吊起来。

2.The rest of his head has sunk into the white silk pillow.他脑袋别的部分都沉进了白色的丝布枕头里。

3.Her mother placed a white silk mourning cloth under her clotted black hair.她的母亲在她沾着血迹的黑发下放了一块白色丝制哀衣。

4.The bride dressed up in a white silk wedding dress.这位新娘身着一件白色的丝绸婚纱。

5.The breast of each stuffed bird was adorned with a piece of white silk.每种鸟类的胸前都用一块白色的丝绸装饰。

6.Silk handkerchief was of pure snow white silk with an un-named flower embroidered on it. The embroidery was super exquisite.丝绢儿是雪白的真丝,绢儿角绣了朵不知什么花,绣工倒是十分精致。

7.Phipppines: A white silk cord is draped around the couple's shoulders to indicate their union.菲律宾:新人的肩上搭绕着一根白色的丝线以示他们的结合。

8.She made a purple coat and put it around her scarecrow and dressed it in white silk stockings .她做了一件紫色的外套,把它披在稻草人的身上,并且为它穿上白色丝袜。

9.In 1949 a painting on white silk was unearthed in a tomb of the CHU Kingdom near Changsha in Hunan Province.1949年,在长沙东南郊楚墓中发现了一幅画在白色丝帛上的绘画

10.The Smashbox logo was printed in one pass, in white silk-screening, finished with a clear UV lacquer.在出色潮流标志是印在一关,在白色丝印,具有明确的UV漆完成。