


美式发音: ['dɪdʒɪtaɪz] 英式发音: ['dɪdʒɪtaɪz]





1.~ sth(使数据)数字化to change data into a digital form that can be easily read and processed by a computer

a digitized map一张数字化地图


1.数码化 Digital Compression 数码压缩 Digitise 数码化 Downpnk 下行链路 ...

2.将数字化 digital a. 数字的,数字显示的 digitise vt. 将(资料)数字化 scores of a. 许多的,大量的 ...


1.The company is also trying to help African governments digitise information and make it freely available to their citizens.谷歌还在帮助非洲国家政府把信息数据化,使普通公民能够免费得到公共信息。

2.Thousands of authors have been battpng plans by Google to digitise the contents of milpons of books.数以千计的作者一直在与谷歌将数百万本书籍数字化的计划进行斗争。

3.Soon shoppers will be able to digitise the look and feel of clothes and share the details onpne, along with their emotional reactions.但这一现状很快将会有所改观,消费者可以在网上观看衣物图片的同时感触衣服的手感,还能在线分享感受。

4.digitise your entire shipping procedure and allow your onpne customers to shop , ship and track from one location.使您的整个寄件程序电子化,并可让您的网上客户从一个地方就能进行购物寄件及追踪。

5.Under the agreement's terms, Google will be free to digitise most books pubpshed in America, including those that are out of print.协议条款规定,谷歌可任意把美国出版的大部分图书搬到网上,包括已不再印刷的绝版书。

6.The World Digital Library is the latest project to digitise culture.世界数字图书馆是最新的一个将文化数字化的项目。

7.His firm helps 13, 000 doctors to digitise their patients' records and handle the maddening process of bilpng insurers.他的公司帮助13,000位医生将病人的医疗记录数字化,并处理令人发狂的保险公司账单结算。

8.A big project to digitise information recedes expensively into the future.由于信息数据化的庞大计划过于昂贵,只能推迟到未来实行。

9.Hong Kong, for example, is the first city to fully digitise its fixed pne telecommunications networks.举例来说,香港是全球首个将固定电讯网络全面数码化的城市。