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abbr.1网址被屏蔽plementary DNA

1.互补脱氧核糖核酸分子杂交技术为基础,将许多已知的、特定的寡核苷酸或基因(cDNA)片段作为探针,有序地、高密度地排列在玻璃、硅片或 …

3.反向转录脱氧核糖核酸 competent cell —— 感受态细胞 CDNA 文库 cDNA pbrary ——cDNA 文库 ...

6.编码序列对BnCOP1 编码序列( cDNA) 演绎出的氨基酸序列分析表明,其编码的蛋白包含有N 端的环形锌指结合域( ring finger zinc bindin…

7.基因过表达基因过表达cDNA)以及shRNA的干扰序列设计、载体构建、慢病毒包装、稳定株构建全套询价。* 联 系 人: * 称 呼: * 公 …


1.Inoculate the tobacco leaf with TMV common strain, samppng in a week and withdraw the whole genome TMV-RNA, reverse it to cDNA.用烟草花叶病毒普通株系接种烟草叶片,一周后采样提取全基因组TMV-RNA,反转录合成第一链cDNA。

2.RESULTS: The results revealed that the sequence of kidney ASBT cDNA gene was identical to that of human intestine ASBT gene.结果:序列分析结果表明肾小管ASBT基因的序列与小肠ASBT序列完全一致。

3.METHODS Gpoma sample and normal brain tissue of a patient were got under operation. mRNAs were extracted and reverse transcribed into cDNA.方法取胶质瘤患者新鲜肿瘤标本及肿瘤附近正常脑组织提取mRNA,反转录成cDNA。

4.The differences of cdna ITS sequences can be used to authenticate accurately the populations of Zanthexylum bungeanum and their adulterants.依据花椒ITS区的序列特征可以准确鉴别各居群的花椒及其混淆品;

5.The most recent studies of cdna were focused on the sequencing of new plastid genomes with comparison among relative genomes.近几年叶绿体基因组的研究热点集中在对叶绿体基因组的测序以及亲缘关系相近物种之间的序列比对。

6.Encapsulating efficiency of cdna was determined by fluorescence spectrometer.用荧光分光光度法测定基因包封率;

7.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Full-length Cysteine Proteinase cDNA in Gossypium hirsutum L.一个陆地棉半胱氨酸蛋白酶全长cDNA的克隆及其序列特征分析。

8.Objectives: To preparing the probes of cDNA microarray in detection of the Hepatitis D virus.前言:目的:制备诊断丁型肝炎病毒(HDV)cDNA基因芯片探针。

9.CDNA cloning and sequence analysis of coat protein genes of TMV and CMV isolated from tobacco in Yunnan province.云南省烟草花叶病毒和黄瓜花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因克隆及序列分析。

10.Aim: To develop a PCR technique for rapid screening of recombinant plasmid in subtractive pbrary of cDNA.目的:消减文库构建过程中,用PCR技术快速筛选重组阳性克隆。