


美式发音: 英式发音: [mɔdz]



网络释义:多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome);多器官功能不全综合征;多脏器功能障碍综合征


abbr.1.〈英〉同“moderations”2.【宇】(=manned orbital development station)载人轨道研究站


abbr.1.<BrE>Same as moderations2.[Astronavigation](=manned orbital development station)

n.1.The plural of mod

1.多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome)· 急诊医学绪论-尹文(2010年秋季教学) · 《失血性休克的容量复苏》尹文-- …

6.多脏器功能不全综合征【摘要】:正多脏器功能不全综合征(MODS)作为一个新的综合征近年来受到广泛重视。早在1969年Skillman报道呼吸衰竭伴低 …


1.As well, it will provide a substantial amount of individual hands-on practice in metadata creation using DC and MODS metadata schemes.同时,它将提供大量的个人动手实践中创造的元数据使用直流和MODS元的计划。

2.Whichever you think has the best MODS for creating a DATING site.无论你认为是创建一个交友网站的最好插件。

3.Conclusion: During the treatment of PIH comppcated MODS, the key is to treat the primary diseases, to control is to treat precipitator .结论:妊高征并发MODS处理的关键在于治疗原发病,控制诱因。

4.Our vet pro tester is entitled to the extra punch, but he felt that the biggest gains are really from the Tokyo Mods race carb.我们的兽医职业测试有权额外冲床,但他认为最大的收益是真正从东京改造比赛碳水化合物。

5.I wondered if there was any place left to create games in the same spirit of the mods that I had started with.他不禁怀疑,世界上是否有任何地方,能够以他刚起步时的那种精神来创造游戏。

6.Results There was relation ship between MODS and abnormapties of coagulation and fibrinolytic system.结果肺部感染并发MODS患者,存在明显凝血、抗凝和纤溶系统异常;

7.MODS is one of the direct causes of maternal death.MODS是孕产妇死亡的直接原因之一。

8.Mods, if you dont want this guide just delete or close it, even if i think some people may find it usefull.假如你不想要这个指南只是删除或封闭它,即便我感到有些人可能会发明它很有用。

9.There have been summers of love and revolution and, in Britain, of urban riots and battles between mods and rockers.在英国,夏天充满了爱和革命,城市骚乱以及现代派和摇滚派之间的斗争。

10.Division Heads are responsible for performance of MODs who are in their charge including changes, absence, updates and training.各部门总监要对各自管辖部门的值班经理的表现负责,包括变更、缺勤、更新及培训。