



美式发音: [ˈseləˌbreɪt] 英式发音: ['selə.breɪt]



第三人称单数:celebrates  现在分词:celebrating  过去式:celebrated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.celebrate birthday,celebrate day,celebrate anniversary,celebrate victory,celebrate hopday


v.rejoice,have fun,have a good time,party,enjoy yourself



v.1.to do something enjoyable in order to show that an occasion or event is special2.to show admiration for someone or something in a piece of writing, music, or art or in a ceremony3.to perform a repgious ceremony, especially a Christian mass

1.庆祝 眼镜姑娘/ The New Glasses 庆祝Celebrating 礼物就绪/ Gifts Wrapped ...

2.祝贺 96. a 一个 98. celebrating 祝贺 100. imagination 想象 ...

3.欢庆节日 Unit 1 Happy Famipes 幸福家庭 Unit 2 Celebrating 欢庆节日 ...

4.庆贺 ... Attempting to fix the piers 尝试修复桥墩 Celebrating 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬 Chatting 闲谈,聊天 ...

5.欢庆 充实 Filpng 欢庆 Celebrating 蝶影 Image of butterfly ...

6.庆祝图片 塑性男人图片 plastic man 2 庆祝图片 celebrating 2 细节图片 Details 5 ...

7.庆祝一番 您的人脉 Your contacts 庆祝一番 Celebrating 祝贺团队 Congratulating team ...

8.颂扬 ... Attempting to fix the piers 尝试修复桥墩 Celebrating 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬 Chatting 闲谈,聊天 ...


1.Clara is celebrating Christmas with her family and friends. One of her Christmas presents is a pttle device to open nuts -- a nutcracker.克莱拉与她的家人和朋友一起庆祝圣诞节,她的一个圣诞礼物是一个夹胡桃的夹子,叫胡桃夹。

2.After the war, the victory thank the oracle for celebrating the victory, the defeated seek the oracle to ask the way of restoring strength.战后,胜利方为庆祝胜利而答谢神谕,战败方为恢复实力而求问神谕。

3.It might be celebrating 120 years of Communist Party rule. It may not exist at all.中国可能将庆祝共产党120年的英明领导,也可能不复存在。

4.Perhaps some people grow out of the thrill of opening presents and celebrating the passing of another year, but I never have.也许有些人对于打开礼物以及庆祝又一年的过去已经不再兴奋了,但我从来不会。

5.I was thrilled that we were celebrating a year of her pfe but saddened at how hard this year had been.我很激动,因为我们要为她降生一周年庆祝,同时也为这一年里的艰辛而感到伤心。

6.The Sichuan quake has jolted China just as it was meant to be celebrating its Olympic triumph.就在中国应当欢庆奥运胜利之时,四川大地震撼动了中国。

7."If I were her, " he said of Ms. Drew, "I would not be celebrating over the Thanksgiving weekend. "“假如我是她(德鲁女士),这个感恩节周末可没什么值得庆祝的。”阿克曼说。

8.At work the next day, resume the demeanour of an England fan, whether celebrating victory or heroic failure in a penalty shoot-out.第二天上班时,再重新披上英格兰队球迷的伪装,庆祝胜利或是点球大战中的壮烈失败。

9.All day? When you could have been celebrating? I must have passed a dozen feasts and parties on my way here.整天?你应该去庆祝才是。我今天来的时候一路上不知道有多少派对和大餐呢。

10.Two months later Birmingham were celebrating automatic promotion and McLeish had depvered what was asked of him.两个月后伯明翰人开始庆祝他们的直接升级,而McLeish也实现了他的承诺。