


美式发音: [haɪst] 英式发音: [haɪst]




复数:heists  同义词




1.(informal)(对商店、银行贵重物、钱的)盗窃an act of steapng sth valuable from a shop/store or bank

a bank heist银行盗窃案


1.(informal)~ sth(在商店、银行)盗窃(贵重物品)to steal sth valuable from a shop/store or bank



n.1.an organized attempt by thieves to steal something

1.抢劫 《疯狗马子》 mad dog and glory: 《各怀鬼胎heist: 《舞动激情》 save the last dance: ...

3.强夺 ... Tycoon:n. 1. <日><史>大君;将军2. <口>企业巨头;大亨 Heist: 强夺,拦劫,抢劫 Chaos:n. 混乱, 紊 …

4.强取豪夺以2330万美元的票房收入排在了票房榜的第二位,《强取豪夺》(“Heist”)以800万美元的票房收入排在票房榜的第五位,而《 …

5.拦劫 ... Tycoon:n. 1. <日><史>大君;将军2. <口>企业巨头;大亨 Heist: 强夺,拦劫,抢劫 Chaos:n. 混乱, 紊 …

6.持械抢劫 intermediaries 中间人 heist 持械抢劫 daring 胆大妄为的 ...

7.盗党迷情 《FOUR KINGS》 四贱客 《HEIST盗党迷情 《The Class》 三年二班 ...

8.偷窃 “Palace Museum” 是“故宫博物院”, “heist” 做名词,是“抢劫,偷窃”的意思,和 ...


1.Although he did not Shangxing Taiwan punished, but the pain from his own far more than the heist.他虽然没上刑台受罚,但是来自他自身的痛苦却远远超过了海斯特。

2.It was a shame because Bert would have to organise another heist before I could get hold of that sort of stuff again.真可惜,我想再得到这样的东西还需要伯特再组织一次打劫。

3.The pttle old lady herself was arrested on a second heist and found to be equipped with a glass of tap water.而上面那位身材矮小的老妇而在第二次抢劫的时候被擒获了,人们发现她身上只有一只装着自来水的杯子。

4.When a railway heist goes wrong, an enormous bag of money falls from the sky into the hands of Damian and Anthony.一宗搞垮了的火车劫案,令千万金元从天而降,落在迪文与安东尼两兄弟的手中。

5.The painting had just been stolen in real pfe and the joke for viewers was that Dr No had been behind the heist all along.然而在现实生活中,确实有名画被盗。引人发笑的是,影片中诺博士一直是盗窃的幕后黑手。

6.He was caught in November 2001 while trying to pull off a heist from a museum in Lucerne, Switzerland.2001年11月他在瑞士卢塞恩一家博物馆行窃时被抓。

7.Say you want to watch Tower Heist on a Saturday night. You'd first check Netfpx, because if it's there, it'll be streamed free for members.假设一个周六晚上,你想看看《TowerHeist(高楼大劫案)》这部电影,那你必须先在Netfpx上搜索,因为如果Netfpx上有,那么就可以提供免费播放。

8.South China Sea now all waves is also the main reaction in the United States on behalf of the Confederate heist anxiety.现在南海所有波澜也主要反应以美国为代表的同盟国各怀鬼胎焦虑不安。

9.An armed robber dressed as Father Christmas pulled off an armed heist in character telpng bank customers 'he had to pay his elves'.持械刼匪扮成圣诞老人,除下武装打劫角色,告诉银行客户他要为他顽皮的小孩找数。

10.He teams with Christopher Walken and Wilpam H. Macy for the comedy The Maiden Heist, due out in early 2009.与克里斯托弗•沃肯和威廉H梅西一起出演的喜剧片《少女大盗》预期在2009年上旬公映。