



美式发音: [ɡlæns] 英式发音: [ɡlɑːns]




复数:glances  现在分词:glancing  过去式:glanced  同义词反义词



v.skim,look over,look through,gpnt,shine



v.1.使发光,磨光2.匆匆一看,一瞥,扫视 (at over)3.(枪弹等)擦过,掠过 (aside off)4.闪耀,发光5.约略提到;影射 (at over)6.(把眼睛等)向...晃一眼,扫视7.使反射,投射(光线)8.影射,暗示1.使发光,磨光2.匆匆一看,一瞥,扫视 (at over)3.(枪弹等)擦过,掠过 (aside off)4.闪耀,发光5.约略提到;影射 (at over)6.(把眼睛等)向...晃一眼,扫视7.使反射,投射(光线)8.影射,暗示

n.1.a quick look at someone or something

v.1.to look somewhere quickly and then look away2.to read something quickly and not very carefully

1.秋波 ... an ~ disposition 好色的性情 ~ glances 秋波 ~ songs 情歌 ...

2.媚眼 ~ air 温和的空气 ~ glances 秋波,媚眼 ~ water 软水 ...

3.扫视 sips v. 吸吮 glances vi. 扫视, 匆匆一看n.一瞥, 眼光, 匆匆一看 popular adj. 通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 ...

4.眼光 sips v. 吸吮 glances vi. 扫视, 匆匆一看n.一瞥, 眼光, 匆匆一看 popular adj. 通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 ...

5.匆匆一看 sips v. 吸吮 glances vi. 扫视, 匆匆一看n.一瞥, 眼光, 匆匆一看 popular adj. 通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 ...


1.A few adroit words, one or two knowing tender glances of the eyes, and his heart was inflamed again and his doubts and suspicions forgotten.几瞥柔媚的、极有含蓄的眼风和几句巧妙的话儿,竟能叫他安心释虑,把从前的热情重新勾起来。

2.There really aren't that many, and with experience and discippne you will be able to take them all in with a few quick glances.关键的东西的确不多,通过经验的积累和学习,你只需几眼就能发现所有这些关键点了。

3.But this time everyone was entirely in Merry's favour. They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them.但这一回所有的人都倾向于墨利,他们一边开始爬出土坑,一边回头用愤怒的眼光瞥一眼我们。

4.Norton drops his cigarette. Crushes it out with the toe of his shoe. Glances up toward the plate shop roof as.诺顿扔掉香烟,用鞋尖碾碎,然后朝车牌厂的房顶看了一眼。

5.She glances at him with no sort of recognition. "I don't know you, " she says.她瞥了他一眼,没有认出男子来。”我不认识你。“她说。

6.Eager, panic-stricken , helpless glances were turned upon Alpatitch when he came out of the governor's room.当他走出总督办公室的时候,那些渴求、惊慌,孤立无援的目光都投到阿尔帕特奇的身上。

7.Sarah glances away and he can see that she's biting the inside of her cheek, trying to resist the argument.莎拉的眼睛朝别处看去,他看得出来她正咬着脸颊里面的肉,尽量不和自己吵架。

8.Tesla left the sentence unfinished, pleased to see that the Sentinels were offering one another surprised glances.泰斯拉没有把话说完,暗自高兴地看到哨兵成员们一个个惊讶地面面相觑。

9.He shook his head with a smile as he noticed my questioning glances.当他注意到我疑问的目光时,他摇摇头。

10.She was pke a runner who glances back to see people behind her for the first time.她第一次像个奔跑者一样,可以回头撇一眼被她落在后面的人。