


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒəunəs]





n.1.Same as Jonah

1.乔纳斯 John 约翰 希伯来 上帝仁慈的赐恩 Jonas 琼纳斯 希伯来 和平鸽 Jonathan 强纳生 希伯来 上帝赐予 ...

3.尤纳斯 Gino( 吉诺) Jonas乔那斯) Jeson( 杰森) ...

6.若纳斯 大卫·阿尔贝尔达·阿利克斯 David Albelda 若纳斯 Jonas 费古利 Feghoup ...

7.强纳斯 jonathan 乔纳深 Jonas 强纳斯 joey 乔伊 ...


1.Jonas blames the drop in employment and sales on the recession as well as cheaper foreign imports that he said have undercut his business.乔纳斯把就业人数和销售量的下降归咎于经济衰退,以及国外廉价商品的进口,这都使得他们生意越来越难做。

2.Jonas Gilbart said, "Step by step, Chinese Hurdpng hero Liu Xiang continues to work his way back to the top of his sport. "JonasGilbart说:“逐步地,中国跨栏英雄刘翔继续努力回到他的运动高峰。”

3.The day before her surgery, Ms. Jonas sat on her bed, anxiously eyeing the other women as they were wheeled back from the operating room.在手术前一天,女孩Jonas坐在床上,忧虑地看着其他病人被人从手术室用轮椅送回来。

4.Jonas nodded. Of course he remembered. It had turned out, by far, to be the most frustrating of the rules he was required to obey.乔纳斯点点头。当然他记得。这条规则突然出现,直到目前为止,这规则是最困扰他而他必须遵守的。

5.The Chief Elder looked at Jonas with a question in her eyes. The audience watched him, too. They were silent.首席长老看著乔纳斯带著询问的目光。观众们也都看著他。他们都静了下来。

6.The Giver grasped his shoulders firmly. Jonas fell silent and stared at him.记忆传承者用力的抓住他的肩膀。乔纳斯陷入沉默并盯著他。

7.Jonas closed his eyes again. He took a deep breath and sought the sled and the hill and the snow in his consciousness.乔纳斯再次闭上眼睛。他深深的呼吸并在他的意识中寻找雪橇,山岗与雪。

8.At least, Jonas thought, after Gabriel was placed next year, they would still see him often because he would be part of the community.至少,乔纳斯想,盖布瑞尔明年被分配后,他们还是可以经常见到他,因为他还是这个组织社群的一部分。

9."I've started to share them with you, " Jonas said, trying to cheer him.“我已经开始与你分享记忆,”乔纳斯说著,试著让他心情好一点。

10.Jonas had not heard the new child during the night because as always, he had slept soundly. But it was not true that he had no dreams.乔纳斯半夜并没有听到新生儿的声音,因为通常他都睡得很熟。但是它不是真的没有作梦。