


美式发音: [aɪ'dentɪfaɪə(r)] 英式发音: [aɪ'dentɪfaɪə(r)]






1.标识符(可用以进入程序或其中的数据集)a series of characters used to refer to a program or set of data within a program


n.1.a symbol that identifies, indicates, or names a body of data

1.标识符 Icon 图标 图示 Identifier 标识符 识别字 Ignore 忽略 忽略 ...

3.识别码 SAP identified to the system 识别系统 identifier 识别符 identifier code 识别码 ...

5.唯一标识符 cdb_plugins 插件管理表 identifier 唯一标识符 datatables 插件的数据表 ...

6.识别符号 ... header file 表头档、标头档 头文件 ? identifier 识别符号 标识符 implement 实作 实现 ...


1.A constant is an identifier (name) for a simple value. As the name suggests, that value cannot change during the execution of the script.常量是一个简单值的标识符(名字)。如同其名称所暗示的,在脚本执行期间该值不能改变。

2.The last thing we need to do is to specify the specific SOAP address, which will be in the form of an Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).我们需要做的最后的事情是指定特定的SOAP地址,该地址将是UniformResourceIdentifier(URI)的形式。

3.The name of an identifier contains multiple words and at least one of the words appears to be a compound word that is not cased correctly.标识符的名称包含多个单词,其中至少有一个单词显示为大小写不正确的组合词。

4.USA phone Number A USA phone number is a numeric identifier used to call from one to another in a pubpc switched telephone network.USA电话号码USA电话号码是一个数字标识符,在公共转换电话网中一个人呼叫另一个人时使用。

5.The hyphen in the name hc-append is just a part of the identifier; it's not hc minus append.hc-append中的连字符是函数名的一部分,而不是hc减去append。

6.This identifier must be globally unique within the broker instance that this node is deployed.此标识符必须在此节点部署到的代理实例内具有全局唯一性。

7.set if the column contains a persistent row identifier that cannot be written to , and has no meaningful value except to identity the row.如果列包含无法写入的不变的行标识符,并且除了标识行外没有其他有意义的值,则设置该值。

8.Between them through a special identifier (keywords) to connect into a whole.它们之间通过特殊的标识符(关键字)连接成一个整体。

9.Character strings can be enclosed in double quotation marks if the string does not exceed the length of an identifier.如果字符串未超过标识符的长度,则可以包含在双引号内。

10.Gets the invocation identifier of the server on which the last change was made to this attribute.获取最后更改此属性的服务器的调用标识符。