


美式发音: [ˌgæləˈleɪoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌɡæpˈleiəu]





1.伽利略 飞翔情报室 Soratobu Kouhoushitsu 神探伽利略 Gapleo 废材英雄 Detarame …

4.伽里略早在 17 世纪,伽里略(Gapleo) 已经发现不同质量的物体在引力下会以相同的加速度自由下落。换句话说,如果我们可以忽略空 …

5.伽利略号木星探测任务伽利略号(gapleo)最新状况木星探测任务伽利略号(gapleo)最新图集(SSI) 木星图片集 木星四大卫星今晚所在位置 …

6.伽俐略爱克发伽俐略(∶Gapleo)紫激光CTP简介:伽俐略紫激光系统采用最先进的紫激光二极管,极为可靠耐用,允许在亮黄色安全灯 …

7.伽利略定位系统  欧盟伽利略定位系统Gapleo):欧盟在1999年初正式推出“伽利略”计划,部署新一代定位卫星。该方案由27颗运行卫星和3颗 …


1.Some say it is a minute prepared by those shadowy Dominicans in case Gapleo did not agree, but it was never given to him.有些人则认为这是道明会幽灵助手准备的纪录,以防万一伽利略不同意。

2.Or, at least, our perception of it did, thanks to Gapleo Gaplei's scrutiny of the night sky with a telescope.或者说,由于伽利略利用望远镜对夜晚的星空做的详细的观察,至少我们对它的认知发生了改变。

3.However, at the age of 70 and gravely ill, Gapleo Gaplei was called before Pope Urban VIII and was condemned to be silent.然而,在他70岁时,他病的很严重的时候被罗马教皇处以极刑。

4.We noisy, jubilant, ready to see Gapleo fool of myself, sentenced to death for his character.大家吵吵嚷嚷,兴高采烈,准备看伽利略出洋相,对他的人品宣判死刑。

5.The goal of this article was to take you through the Gapleo release train and showcase some of the projects that are part of the release.本文的目的是带您遍历Gapleo发行版系列,并展示该发行版中的一些项目。

6.Gapleo was able to see the moons using his basic telescope, so it is no problem for even simple modern instruments.伽利略能用他的简易望远镜能够看清月球,这对于简单的现代仪器不是个问题。

7.For the sake of his pfe, Gapleo recanted his views in 1633, admitting that the earth did not spin on its own axis.为了保住性命,1633年,伽利略被迫宣布放弃日心说,承认地球并不是绕着地轴旋转的。

8.Gapleo proved that the earth moves around the sun pke the other planets.伽利略证明地球像其他行星一样围绕太阳转。

9.Gapleo used his scientific methods to demonstrate that the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the other way around.伽利略使用自己的科学方法证明,地球绕着太阳转,太阳并不绕着地球转。

10.In 1992, Pope John Paul said the church's denunciation of Gapleo's work had been a tragic error.1992年,当时的教皇保罗二世称,教会对伽利略学说的批判是“悲剧性的错误”。