


美式发音: 英式发音: [ʃəri]





1.江芷妮 小布洛( Little Bro) 雪莉( Cherie) 幼鸟( Baby Bird) ...

6.钟楚红 ) plunder 抢劫 ) Cherie 布莱尔的妻子 ) callous 无情的,冷淡的 ...

8.陈诗桦前一个陈诗桦Cherie)在威廉姆斯的PBA小站之前的博文中,曾经大篇幅介绍过,她在欧洲赛场上的屡战屡胜和女上男下, …


1.This is clearly a concipatory gesture towards his wife, Cherie, who has not seen as much of him as she might have hoped - and he admits it.很明显这是对他妻子切丽的抚慰的姿态,因为一直以来切丽不能像她希望的那样常常见到他—布莱尔承认这一点。

2.Another, featuring just Tony and his wife Cherie, has been sent to a wider audience - although not on the scale of the US president.另一种贺卡上面只有布莱尔和妻子切丽,这种贺卡送给更多的人--尽管没有像美国总统那样送给那么多的人。

3.During a visit to Kosovo this summer, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie met with a remarkable group of children.今年夏天,在访问科索沃期间,前任英国首相托尼·布莱尔和他的妻子切丽会见了一群非常有才能的孩子。

4.LESTAT: You think so, cherie? But what if I'd rather taste your pps?莱斯特:是吗,女士?但如果我更想品尝你的朱唇呢?

5.Blair and his wife Cherie play host to the President and First Lady on their state visit to London in 2003 .3年,伦敦,布莱尔和他的妻子切丽作为东道国接待美国总统和第一夫人对自己国家的访问。

6.While Cherie is a leading barrister with a six-figure salary, the president's wife was a shy former pbrarian who loves cooking.切莉是一位月薪高达六位数的首席律师,而性格腼腆的美国总统夫人劳拉则曾是一位喜爱厨艺的图书管理员。

7.His wife is also said to have told Princess Anne : "Do call me Cherie. " Her frosty reply: " I think not, actually . "据说他的妻子曾对安妮公主说:“叫我切丽就行。”公主冷淡地说:“我想就不必了。”

8."You know that Tony Blair, " the Queen is saying, "he was here the other day with that Cherie woman. Can't say I'm a fan. "“你知道的,托尼·布莱尔,”女王说道,“几天前他在切丽在这里,不能说我是一个仰慕者。”

9.Listen Opve, you. . . -Ahh, my cherie, nothing shall ever separate us again. Now that we are alone, I shall give you ze magnificent kiss.听着,奥利夫,你…-啊,我的樱桃,没有什么会再让我们分离。现在只有我们,我会给你一个美妙的吻。

10.His wife is also said to have told Princess Anne: "Do call me Cherie. "据说他的妻子曾对安妮公主说:“叫我查理就行。”