


美式发音: [ˈprɪvi] 英式发音: ['prɪvi]




复数:privies  同义词反义词


adj.in the know,aware of,in on




1.~ to sth准许知情;可参与秘事allowed to know about sth secret

She was not privy to any information contained in the letters.她未获准接触那些信的内容。


1.(户外)厕所,茅房a toilet, especially an outdoor one

adj.1.(物,地方等)秘密的;隐蔽的;(行为)暗中参与的,和...有勾结的 (to)2.个人的;私人的


n.1.a toilet in a separate small building next to a house

1.个人的 2、haute couture 高级女式时装;个人专属 4、privy 个人的 1、personal 个人的; 私人的 ...

2.厕所 腐败[ corrupt] 厕所[ privy;toilet] 污秽物,粪便[ dirt] ...

3.私人的 ... presumptuous adj. 自大的,专横的,冒昧的 privy a. 个人的,私人的,秘密的,隐蔽的 progressive a. 进步的;向前进 …

4.秘密的 privilege n 特权 privy a 秘密的 privity n 私事 ...

5.有利害关系的人 ... tabloid n. 小报, 药片 privy adj. 个人的 n.有利害关系的人 earl n. <英>伯爵 ...

6.隐蔽的 ... shock: 使震动,使震惊 privy: 秘密的;隐蔽的 uninvited: 没被邀请 ...

7.知情的 ... secrecy 秘密 privy 知情的 existence 存在 ...

8.乡村小路旁的厕所 ... I pine for you so much that I pine to death. 为伊消得人憔悴 privy 乡村小路旁的厕所 ...


1.I'm not privy to such information, but if I had to guess, I would say that we were all going to be selected.我并不知情,但如果我不得不猜测,我要说,我们都将被选中。

2.She said that she could vaguely recall a confidentiapty agreement, but wasn't privy to it.她说她只能模模糊糊地回忆起保密协议的问题,但是她并不属于知情人的范围。

3.Kaiser Kuo, Baidu's director of international communications, said he was not privy to the details of their latest discussion.KaiserKuo,百度国际公关部总监,他声称,他不清楚他们间对话的具体内容。

4.Victoria: It is with a sense of reverence and honour that I address you, my Privy Councillors, as your Sovereign and Queen.维多利亚:作为你们的君主和女王,怀着崇敬和荣幸之情,我任命你们为枢密院议员。

5.I was not privy to the discussion, so I cannot tell you what was decided.我并不了解讨论的情况,所以无法告诉你做了什么决定。

6.You might create a two-way form that contains data to which only one user in the interaction should be privy.您可以创建这样一个双向表单:只有交互中的一个用户能够访问表单数据。

7.Beyond were a great tree of strawberry apples, the traditional privy, a modest barn, a hen house, a corn crib, and a pigpen.再外面有一颗草莓苹果树,一个老式的厕所,一个不大的谷仓,一个鸡舍,一个谷物饲料槽,和一个猪圈。

8.As a Google director, he will have been privy to any board-level discussions on potential takeover targets.多尔作为谷歌的董事,董事会层面对潜在收购目标展开的任何讨论,他都应当知情。

9.I'm sure they have their suspicions; there were only a few of the senior level lawyers who were privy to the case details.我肯定他们有自己的猜疑,毕竟了解案情细节的只有少数几个资深律师。

10.She was not privy to any information contained in the letters.她未获准接触那些信的内容。